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PAGE  PAGE 14 人教版高中英语必修3 Unit 2 Healthy eating导学案 基础巩固 一、词汇详解 1.What will happen if you do not eat a balanced diet? 如果你不吃平衡的膳食将会怎样呢? 要点提示: balanced用分词作定语,意思为“平衡的”。 典型例句: A balanced program of diet is necessary. 对饮食项目的合理安排是必要的。 相关链接: 另外balanced还可以作“公平的,平和的”解。 We all appreciate a balanced outlook on life. 我们都欣赏平和的生活态度。 We should have a balanced mood in life. 我们在生活中应该有一个平和的心态。 应用探究 完成句子 (1)This is a ______ ______ of the election campaign.For we must be responsible for the local people. 这是对竞选活动公正的报道。因为我们必须对当地人负责。 (2)Everyone in the factory should eat ______ ______ ______and keep ______ ______ ______. 这儿的每个人应当吃平衡的膳??并且保持生态平衡。 答案: (1)balanced report (2)a balanced diet;balance of nature   2.Tired of all that fat?Want to be thinner? 肥腻的东西吃厌了吗?想变瘦吗? 要点提示: be tired of sb./doing sth.对……感到厌倦; be tired from 因……而疲倦;be tired out筋疲力尽的。 典型例句: I am tired of eating the same food for lunch. 我厌倦了午饭都吃一样的东西。 相关链接: tired,tiring的用法区别 tired意思为“疲惫的、累的”,用于描述人,通常用 be tired,look tired等结构;tiring意思为“令人厌倦的、使人疲劳的”,指某事或者某人使人厌倦,情感上不再予以理睬而回避。tiring只修饰物。 This is a tiring marriage.这是一个令人讨厌的婚姻。 填空 (1)Some of the students got ______ (tire) of living abroad and decided to return to the motherland by plane as soon as possible. (2)The manager’s lecture was very ______ (tire),even if he mentioned a new product of his company,no one was very curious. (3)Although we are ______ (tire) out after a long journey,yet we go on to finish the extra work on time. 答案:(1)tired (2)tiring (3)tired 3.Curiosity drove Wang Pengwei inside. 好奇心驱使着王鹏伟走了进去。 要点提示: curiosity 好奇心、求知欲,后面常跟介词about作后置定语。 典型例句: Children have a natural curiosity about the world around them. 儿童对周围的世界有天然的好奇心。 Just out of curiosity,how old are you? 出于好奇,请问你有多大? 相关链接: satisfy one’s curiosity满足好奇心 idle curiosity多余的好奇心 burning with curiosity非常好奇 out of curiosity出于好奇 选择填空 — _____do you think of the film? —Oh,very excellent.We never thought everyone in my village had a curiosity _____ this kind of book. A.What;about



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