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Learning about language;Meaning for multi- words;More words formed using multi-;Meaning for -wards words;Meaning for -wards words;Answer key for Exercise 2:; 同位语从句 ; 3. 用法: 常跟的抽象名词有: fact/ idea/reason/ thought/order/ doubt/news/hope/ truth/belief … 4. 连词 that/whether/who/ which/ what /when /where/why/how;同位语从句与定语从句区别:; He told me the news that he would come home from aboard soon. ; 2.从性质上区别   定语从句是从句对其先行词的修饰或限制,属于形容词性从句的范畴;而同位语从句是从句对前面抽象名词的进一步的说明和解释,属于名词性从句的范畴,如: ; The news that our team has won the game was true. 我们队赢了那场比赛的消息是真的。 (同位语从句, 补充说明news到底是一个什么消息) The news that he told me yesterday was true. 昨天他告诉我的那个消息是真的。 (定语从句, news在从句中作told的宾语) ; 3. 从引导词及其在句子中的成分上区别   有些引导词如how, whether, what 可以引导同位语从句, 但不能引导定语从句。 如: That question whether we need it has not been considered. 我们是否需要它这个问题还没有考虑。 (同位语从句) ; 引导词that引导定语从句时, 在从句中一般作主语或宾语 (指物时还可以用which代替), 并且作宾语时常常省略,that在同位语从句中仅起连接作用, 不充当任何成分, 并且不能省略, 也不能用which来代替,如: ; The order that we should send a few people to help the other groups was received yesterday. 我们应派几个人去帮别的几个小组的命令昨天收到了。 (同位语从句, 是对order的具体解释, that虽不作成分, 但不能省略) ; The order that we received yesterday was that we should send a few people to help the other groups. 我们昨天收到的命令是我们应该派几个人去帮助别的几个小组。 (定语从句, 是名词order的修饰语, that在从句中作received的宾语, 可以省略) ; 1. The fact ____ she works hard is well known to us all. A. that B. what C. why D. which 2. The fact ____ he was successful proves his ability. A. that B. what C. which D. why ; 3. The news ____ he was kidnapped surprised us greatly.  A. what B. that C. why D. when 4. His suggestion ____ the meeting be delayed was turned down. A. which B. that C./ D. it ; 5. I have no idea ____ he will start.  A. when B. that C. what D./ 6. Ive come from the government with a message ____ the meeting wont be held tomorrow.


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