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            Unit 1 Friendship Period One Warming Up,Pre-reading and Reading 1eq \x(Add up your score and see how many points you get.(P1)) 拓展归纳 add to增加 add...to...往……里添加…… add up to 总计;加起来等于 add that...补充说…… add in算入,包括 add up加起来,合计 Add up all the money I owe you. 把我欠你的钱都加在一起。 If we add these marks up, we’ll get a total of 90. 如果我们把这些分数加起来,总数就有九十分了。 The travelling expenses added up to 10,000 yuan. 旅游开支总数达一万元。 Don’t forget to add me in when you buy gifts for the teachers. 你们给老师买礼物时,别忘了算我一份。 完成句子 (1)坏天气增加了我们的困难。 The bad weather added_to our difficulty. (2)请往牛奶里加些糖。 Please add some sugar to the milk. (3)他所受的学校教育加起来只有一年。 All his schooling added_up_to no more than one year. 2eq \x(Your friend comes to school very upset.(P1)) 拓展归纳 be upset about/over/at sth.对……感到心烦意乱的/不愉快的 upset sth.打翻;弄翻;打乱/扰乱(计划、安排等) upset sb.使某人不安、心烦、不高兴 upset one’s cup/milk弄翻杯子/牛奶 upset the balance of trade打破贸易平衡 I upset the soup all over the table.我把汤打翻在桌子上了。 He has an upset stomach.他的胃不舒服。 He was very upset that you didn ’t reply to his letter. 你没给他回信,他心烦意乱。 —What do you think made Mary so upset? ——你认为是什么使玛丽如此心烦意乱? —Losing her bicyle.——丢了她的自行车。 Being late,he went into the classroom upset. 由于迟到,他忐忑不安地进了教室。 完成句子 (1)他仍然为他与女朋友的争吵而伤心。 He was still upset_about the argument he had with his girl friend. (2)天气突变打乱了我们的计划。 The sudden change of the weather upset_our_plan. 3eq \x(You will ignore the bell and go somewhere quiet to calm your friend down.(P1)) calm,quiet, still, silent (1)calm 主要指气候、海洋等风平浪静的;也可以指人,表示安静的、镇静的。 (2)quiet 指没有吵闹声的、没有噪音的。它强调声音很低、很小或全然无声。 (3)still 可以指环境的安静,也可以指姿势保持一动不动。 (4)silent 强调不发表意见,也可指“寂静”,强调没有声音或沉默不语。                                                      用still,quiet,silent,calm填空 (1)Stay still while I take photos of you. (2)One must keep calm in the face of danger. (3)Be silent when you are at the concert. (4)The library is a quiet place for studying. 4eq \x(You will tell your friend that you are concerned about him/her...(P1)) 拓展归纳 as far as...be concerned



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