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第  PAGE 4 页 共  NUMPAGES 4 页 教学内容学习指导 即时感悟Learning aims: 1 知识与能力:Be familiar with the new words and phrases 2 过程与方法:To master the usage of key words and phrases 3 情感态度与价值观:Try to enjoy the class! Learning key points: the usage of key words and phrases Learning difficult points: the usage of key words and phrases 【学案使用说明】在充分预习的基础上借助字典完成【课前预习】 检查学生单词读音,纠错。 【自主 合作 探究】 1.balance (1)Do the firms accounts balance?v.平衡 (2)Judging from experience,a proper balance is not easy to achieve.n.平衡 短语keep/lose ones balance保持/失去平衡 a sense of balance平衡感 keep the balance保持平衡 2.lie (1)I cant lie to myself,I dont want to lie to you.v.撒谎 (2)He broke his leg and had to lie all the time.v.躺着 (3)Ill never forgive you that lie.n.谎言[来源:学科网ZXXK] 短语tell a lie/lies说谎 lie to sb.向某人说谎 lie in在于;存在于 (4)You degrade yourself when you tell_a_lie. (5)The village lies_in a peaceful basin surrounded by hills. 【温馨提醒】 (注意以下词形变化) 原形过去式过去分词[来源:学科网]现在分词词义词性lieliedliedlying说谎不及物lielaylainlying躺;位于不及物laylaidlaidlaying放置;下蛋及物3.strength (1)1,500-meter race is his strength.n.强项 (2)Illness undermined his strength.n.力气 with all ones strength竭尽全力;全力以赴 (3)I managed to lift the stone with_all_my_strength. 4.consult (1)I suggest he consult a lawyer.v.请教,向……咨询 (2)For the meaning of this word I have to consult a dictionary.v.查阅,查看[来源:Zxxk.Com] 短语consult...for...查阅(词典、参考书等) consult sb.about sth.向某人请教或询问某事 consult with sb.about/on sth.找某人协商某事 (3)Consult_with your brother before you decide. (4)We will consult with you about her education. 5.Limit (1)Our life has a limit,but knowledge is without limit.n.限制,限度 (2)The policy challenge is to limit this price rise.v.限制 limited adj.有限的;受限的 短语within the limit of在……范围内 be limited to局限于 limit...to...把……限制在…… 6.benefit (1)What does it benefit you?v.使受益 (2)An indirect benefit of a night light is a feeling of safety.n.好处,利益 短语benefit from/by...从……受益;得益于 benefit sb.对某人有益 be of(much/great)benefit to sb.=be beneficial


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