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第  PAGE 3 页 共  NUMPAGES 3 页 Ⅰ.单词拼写( 每个1分,共20分) 1.I trust you and I believe that our________(长处) will bring us success. 2.His intelligence is rather________(有限的). 3.You should have a________(均衡的) diet. 4.Some movies________(结合) education with entertainment. 5.This method of learning English is of________(好处). 6.The child couldn’t keep his b________on his new bike . 7.Out of c_________,he entered the unlocked house . 8.He bought a pair of shoes at a d__________. 9.He is on a d_______to reduce some weight . 10.If you don’t understand the passage ,you can c________the dictionary . 11. You should ______(节食)and take more exercise. 12. Old as he is, he has such______(精力)that he can work 14 hours a day. 13. The teacher told him not to______(为…叹息) over the failure of yesterday’s test. 14.indeed,it is protein that doesn’t d_______easily.[来源:学科网ZXXK] 15. You shouldn’t have had your son telling people______(谎言) here and there. 16. The men who were fighting g _____at each other. 17. Only having r ______ vegetables, fruit and water for a dinner could not offer enough energy. 18. There was a sign in the window of his restaurant: “C______ are God!”. 19. To see if the food would be popular, he decided to do some r ______in the market. 20.The police have been s_________on the suspect’s movement . Ⅱ.短语回顾( 每个1分,共25分) 1. 平衡的膳食__________________?????2. 厌倦__________ 3. 扔掉,丢弃__________???????????? 4. 说谎__________ 5. 摆脱,除去__________???????????? 6. 被放过,(做坏事)不受惩罚 __________ 7. 匆匆走过? __________???????????? 8. 充满,满是… __________ 9. 由…制成? __________???????????? 10. 对…感到吃惊__________ 11. 负债?__________??? 12. 谋生?__________????? 13. 作一番调查?__________?????? 14.减肥餐馆?__________ 15. 不再??__________?? 16. 渴望/盼__________??? 17. 油腻、难消化的食物__________ 18. 减少、削减??__________?????????? 19. 打探、 窥探__________?????? 20. 瞪着某人__________ 21.谋生_________22.怒视__________23.感觉恶心__________24,削减__________25.一个成功的人或一件成功的事__________


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