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Unit 5 《Rhythm》 lesson4 Lets Dance 教师寄语:Without music, life is a journey through a desert. I think without dance, life is also a journey through a desert. 学习目标: ㈠、知识与能力目标:掌握本课的重要单词及短语的用法,能运用课本P28的阅读策略完成阅读填空任务。 ㈡、过程与方法:通过学生自主探究和合作探究完成本课阅读任务,提高阅读能力;通过教师点拨学会词义辨析,掌握本课的重要单词及短语的用法。 ㈢、情感态度目标:了解不同背景下的舞蹈类型,培养艺术爱好和异国文化意识并提高英语学习兴趣。 学习重点:提高学生阅读能力并掌握重要词组及句型。 学习难点:如何提高学生阅读能力。 学习过程: 一、知识梳理 A 1、 adj.平常的,普通的→ (反义词)独特的 2、 n类型,种类→ (近义词) 3、 adj高贵的→ n贵族绅士 4、 n移民→ v 5、 n舞厅→ n舞会→ n/v 舞蹈 6、 n传统→ adj→ adv 7 跳过,不做__________ B、1、因…著名 2、普通人__________ 3、来来回回 4、受到…的欢迎 __________ 5、第二次世界大战___________________________________ 6、在二十世纪七十年代 _______________________________ 7、世世代代 8、穿着 ___________ 二、自主探究 1、Write some words about dance. dance dance 2、Put the sentences below in the correct gaps in the text.using the Strategies to help you. a)In the mid-1980s,breakdancing became popular. b)They are easy to learn and are usually danced in couples. c)Other kinds of folk dances are the sword dance and the colourful peacock dance. d)One of the most famous ballets is calledSwan Lake. e)In the 1960s,people danced without touching their partner dance dance dance dance dance . 3、Read the text again and fill in the form. Dance type TimeOriginCharacteristics Examples Ballet Began Taught groups dances Popular Dance Became popular come from folk dances 三、合作探究 1.Discussion 1). Why did a lot of new dances come from the United States ? 2). How and what can we communicate through the language of dance? 2.精讲点拨 1.ordinary adj普通的,平常的 eg:The book I have read recently is about ordinary people. 我最近看的这本书是关于普通人的。 She likes to dress in ordina


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