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一. 偶遇一件事:注意时间状语和see/hear sb. doing sth. 1. 就在那时,我们听到一个小孩儿在哭。我们走向他,问可以帮什么忙。 Just then, we heard a child crying. We walked to him and asked how we could help. 当我走在街上的时候,看到两个一脸迷惑的游客。我走上前,问他们是否需要帮助。 When I was walking on the street, I saw two travelers wearing a puzzled look. I went up to them and asked whether/ if they needed any help. 我们首先碰到了一辆献血车,看到一长队的志愿者等着献血。我们走过去,加入到他们之中。 We first came across a blood donation bus, and saw a long line of volunteers waiting their turn to donate. We walked there, and joined them.;二. 攒RP的行为: (注意动词的使用) 1. 有人扶老人过马路,还有人帮助盲人下楼梯。 Someone took the elderly across the road while someone helped the blind down the stairs. 2. 毫不犹豫地,我把座位让给了老奶奶,并一直站着直到到达目的地。 Without hesitation, I offered my seat to the elderly lady and was standing until arriving at the destination. 3. 我带着他们到了附近的地铁站,建议他们乘坐地铁1号线,可以直接送他们到目的地。 I led them to the nearby subway station, and advised them to take Line 1, which could take them to the destination directly.;三. 好的结果: 练习doing非谓 1. 正想着(doing)要做什么的时候,我们看到一位警察向我们走来。在他的帮助下,我们找回了失主的包。 Wondering what to do, we saw a policeman walking to us. With his help, we found the bag the owner. 2. 我拒绝了她给我的礼物,没有留下姓名就离开了(doing)医院。 I refused to accept the gifts she offered me, leaving without giving my name. 3. 看到(doing)她丢失的背包,她终于舒了口气,露出了笑容。 Seeing her lost bag pack, she was finally smiled in relief. ;四. 告别 after/before doing 1. 在向我们表达谢意后,他们跟我挥手告别。 After expressing their gratitude/ thanks, they waved goodbye to us. 2. 跟他们告别之后,我心里有一种满足感。 After saying goodbye to them, I had a sense of satisfaction. 3. 离开之前,他和我们拥抱以示感谢。 Before leaving, he hugged us to express his gratitude/ thanks. 4. 离开之前,她送给了我们一个???念品,表示谢意。 Before leaving, she offered us a souvenir to thank us. ;五. 做好事后的感受: 我今天不仅自己玩得很开心,还尽我的绵薄之力(do my bit)帮助了在困难中的人们。 Today, I not only enjoyed myself but also did my bit to help the people in trouble. 2. 每一项捐助都会对那些需要帮助的人产生重要影响。 Each of those donations would help make a difference to those in need. 3. 我真为


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