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最实惠的五大海外 旅游目的地 ;  We tend to think that we need to save up thousands of dollars in order to justify taking those vacation days and heading out of town. But we might not need quite as much as we think.   我们总是认为,为了实现享受假期和走出城市的愿望,我们需要存下数千美元。但是,我们可能不需要这么多钱就能实现这个梦想。;  Even with a tight budget, you can still score amazing travel memories at a great price–you simply have to choose the right place.   即使手头拮据,你依然可以在合理的价位收获曼妙的旅行记忆——你只要选对旅游目的地就行。   We combed the globe for memorable escapes that won’t require you to take out a second mortgage. They run about 20% to 70% cheaper than marquee destinations, with just as much to see, do and enjoy.   我们在全球各地找出了最令人难忘的旅游目的地,不需要你办理第二次抵押贷款就能前往。这些景点的费用比顶级旅游目的地便宜大约20%到70%,但同样能让你欣赏美景、四处闲逛并享受假期。 ;  1. Lisbon, Portugal   1. 葡萄牙里斯本   With the fa?ades of many of its buildings decorated with azulejos–tiles painted in flowery, intricate blue designs–Lisbon rivals the beauty of many other European capitals, and you’ll pay about 20% less for lodging.   里斯本许多建筑的外墙上都装饰着精美的瓷砖壁画,瓷砖上描绘着复杂的蓝色花卉纹饰。里斯本的美景与许多其他欧洲国家的首都不相上下,但住宿费用大约低出20%。 ;  The local economy is still reeling from the country’s financial crisis, which means that hotels are offering deep discounts on rooms to lure foreign tourist dollars. Despite the austerity, the city feels sumptuous, with its well-restored colonial-era castle, Castelo de S?o Jorge; colonnaded plazas and countless art galleries and museums.   当地经济依然受到葡萄牙金融危机的不利影响,这意味着酒店客房正在提供大幅折扣,以吸引外国游客的入住。尽管经济萧条,但是这座城市依然富有繁华的气息,这里有保存完好的殖民时期城堡——圣乔治城堡(Castelo de S?o Jorge)、石柱林立的广场和不计其数的画廊与博物馆。 ;  Best Bargain: Lisbon has a major sweet tooth and is well known for its pastries. The typical price of its signature custard tarts will only set you back 0.75 euro (about $1.10). You’ll pay a little extra for the version of the dessert called pasteis de Belém at the city’s famous Antiga Confeitaria de Belém.   最佳省钱妙招:里斯本拥有品种繁多的甜食,以精美糕点闻名于世。蛋挞是里斯本最知名的甜点,通常售价只有0.75欧元(约合1.10美元)。你只要多花一点钱,就能在这座城市著名的贝伦糖果糕点店(Antiga Confeitaria de Belém)品尝到名为“贝伦蛋挞”的甜点。 ;深圳留学机构


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