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我院门诊输液区137例患儿静脉滴注给药致不良反应报告分析 何 珊*,常 宏#,赵雅妮(南方医科大学附属深圳市妇幼保健院,广东 深圳 518028) 中图分类号 R969.3 文献标志码 A 文章编号 1001-0408(2015)17-2359-03 DOI 10.6039/j.issn.1001-0408.2015.17.19 摘 要 目的:了解我院门诊输液区患儿静脉滴注给药致药品不良反应(ADR)发生的规律及特点,为临床合理运用静脉滴注治疗 提供参考。方法:收集我院 2013 年 12 月-2014 年 11 月门诊输液区发生并上报的 137 例儿童静脉滴注给药致 ADR 报告并进行统 计、分析。结果:137例ADR报告中,原患疾病全部为感染性疾病;男性、女性患儿报告数差异无统计学意义(P=0.073);4~6岁组 报告的例数最多(占 45.99%);ADR 多发于 1 d 内的后 12 个 h;春季是儿童 ADR 的高发季节(占 45.25%);抗菌药物引起的 ADR 发 生率最高(占 75.50%);患儿 ADR 以皮肤及其附件最常见(占 90.51%);有 22 例新的一般的 ADR 报告。结论:临床在给予患儿静 脉滴注用药时,应充分考虑其与成人的差异产生的药物作用的独特性,并跟踪患儿用药反应,切实减少ADR的发生。 关键词 药品不良反应;儿童;合理用药;静脉滴注 Analysis of 137 Cases of Pediatric Adverse Drug Reaction by Intravenous Infusion in Transfusion Area of Out- patient Department in Our Hospital HE Shan,CHANG Hong,ZHAO Ya-ni(The Affiliated Shenzhen Maternity and Child Healthcare Hospital,South- ern Medical University,Guangdong Shenzhen 518028,China) ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE:To study the regularity and the characteristics of pediatric ADR by intravenous infusion in transfu- sion area of outpatient department in our hospital,promote the rational drug use and improve the awareness of medical staff about the pediatric ADR monitoring. METHODS:137 cases of pediatric ADR reported in transfusion area of outpatient depart- ment from Dec. 2013 to Nov. 2014 were collected and statistically analyzed. RESULTS:Among the 137 cases,the primary dis- ease was infectious disease;male case was more than female(P=0.073),children aged 4-6 years old occupied the highest pro- portion(45.99%),ADR mainly occurred in the last 12 h in a day and ADR cases occupied the highest proportion in spring (45.25%);ADR cases caused by antibiotics stood the highest(75.50%);the main clinical manifestations of ADR cases were the lesions of skin


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