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Heritability of the Specific Cognitive Ability of Face Perception; Individual differences in general cognitive ability are thought to be mediated by ‘‘generalist genes’’ that affect many cognitive abilities similarly without speci?c genetic in?uences on particular cognitive abilities 一般来说认知能力被认为是由“全才基因”促成的, “全才基因”影响许多认知能力,也就是说没有特定的基因影响特定的认知能力。 ;In contrast, we present here evidence for cognitive‘‘specialist genes’’: monozygotic twins are more similar than dizygotic twins in the speci?c cognitive ability of face perception. Thus,we put forward assumption : The specific cognitive ability of face perception is influenced by “specialist genes” 相反地,我们在这里提出有关认知的特定基因的证据:关于脸部认知的特定认知能力,同卵双胞胎比异卵双胞胎更相似。 对此,我们提出假设:面部特征辨认能力是受到“特定基因”的遗传 ;For the experiment , we did these items:;;Fisher’s z test, two-tailed, z = 2.17, p 0.05, indicating signi?cant heritability of face speci?c recognition Heritability of FRA was 38.9% (95% con?dence intervals: 20.1% to 54.2%) (estimated by an ADE model that is a genetic model for twin studies including dominance genetic effects, chi-square goodness of ?t test, c2(4) = 2.29, p = 0.68) (Figure 2A).;实验二(正立与倒置认知(FIE));The FIE was signi?cantly more correlated between MZ than DZ twins (z = 2.17, p 0.05) Heritability was estimated at 24.8% (5.9% to 41.6%) for the FIE (c2(4) = 2.17, p = 0.70);实验三(对齐与偏离认知(CFE));we found a signi?cantly greater correlation in the CFE for MZ than DZ twins (z = 2.72, p 0.01) (Figure 1C); heritability was estimated to be 31.0%(10.6% to 48.2%) (c2(4) = 7.69, p = 0.10);实验四(整体与局部认知(GLI));;From the four experiments ,we could find the monozygotic’s correlation was greater than the dizygotic in FRA、FIE、CFE , but the result was opposite in the GLI . In other words, The specific cognitive ability of face perception is affected by “specialist genes”. 从以上四个实验,我们可以发现被试在FRA、FIE、CFE这三个实验中同卵双胞胎实验的相关性是比异卵双胞胎实验的相关性要大,但在第四个GLI实验中,结果却相反。换句话说,面部特征识别能力是由基因遗传的。;影响实验的因素;;;


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