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PAGE  PAGE 27 英语课堂教学用语 坚持用英语组织课堂教学,即用英语教英语(Teaching English through English),并注意所用语言的正确性、纯正性和流利性。新课改在不断深入,新教材越来越注重语言的真实性、地道性和交际性。用英语组织课堂教学促使教师不仅把语言用作讲解知识、传达信息和传授技能的工具,更把它看作所要传授的知识和技能本身。目前,由于课堂仍是绝大部分学生学习英语、使用英语唯一的方式和场所,教师更应该注重传达知识和信息的形式,为学生营造良好的学习语言的环境。为此,我给大家提供一些英语课堂教学用语供大家参考使用. 一、评价学生的表现 That’s true.对。 You’ve done a good job. 太棒了。 It’s almost perfect. 几乎完美无暇。 I think your answer is very useful. 你的答案很有用。 What you said is meaningful. 你说的很有用。 Your answer is interesting. 你的答案很有趣。 This question is a bit difficult, try to think about it. 这个问题有点难,再想一想。 Don’t worry.You still have a chance. 别担心,还有机会。 Don’t be shy. I’m sure you can do it. 别害羞,你肯定行。 Don’t be afraid. Take it easy. 别害怕,放松点。 Nearly. 差不多。 Not quite. 不完全。 Not really. 不太对。 Sorry, I don’t think you are right. 抱歉,我想这不太对。 I’m afraid this is wrong. 我恐怕它错了。 I don’t think so. 我不认为这样。 Really? Could you talk about the story a detail? 真的吗?你能再详细说说吗? I can’t accept this point. 我不能接受这观点。 Your answer isn’t to the point. 你的观点不能切中要害。 I don’t agree. 我部同意。 It’s much better this time. 这次好多了。 I agree with your point. 我不同意你的观点。 I think so. 我认为也是如此。 This is to the point. 切中要害。 Well done. Congratulations. 太好了。祝贺你。 二、 表达“正确”的短句 Right. Very good. That’s it. Great. A good job. Excellent. Terrific. Exactly. Absolutely right. 决对正确。 Completely correct. Sound good. 不错。 That’s correct. 正确。 You did good. 很棒。 That’s funny. 真有趣。 Good idea. 好想法。 You’re great. We should clap for you. 棒极了,我们应该为你鼓掌。 Don’t give up. Try your best. 别放弃???尽你的全力。 You did a good job. I admire you for your works. 我十分佩服你说的话。 Don’t be afraid. Show your confidence. 别害怕,拉出你的勇气。 Be confident. 自信些。 Don’t lose heart. You can try it again. 别灰心,你可再试一次。 Think carefully. Don’t leave it to chance. 仔细想想不要碰运气。 Your answer makes me think another point. 你的答案让我想起了另一点。 Great. Who first think of this idea? 好,谁先想到这个主意的 三、组织课堂教学 Hello, boys and girls! Is everybody here? What’s the matter / wrong with Li Ming? 怎么回事? Could tell me why / what is the matter? Be quiet, students. Now I’m goi


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