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Section Ⅲ— Using Language,Summing Up Learning Tip 一、单项填空 1(2013·山东乐陵期中)The large letters TCL on the board can be seen from a     of fifteen kilometers.? A.length          B.distance C.way D.space 解析:from/at a distance of 是习惯用语,意为“在……远的地方”。由句意“牌子上的大写字母TCL在15千米远的地方就能看见。”可知答案为B项。 答案:B 2There’s a     in our office that when it’s somebody’s birthday,they bring in a cake for us all to share.? A.tradition B.balance C.concern D.relationship 解析:考查名词辨析。tradition“传统,惯例”;balance“天平,平衡”;concern“关心,挂念”;relationship“关系”。句意:在我们办公室里有一个传统,有人过生日时他们就会拿蛋糕与众人分享。根据句意A项正确。 答案:A 3Tom was deeply      by the story of the hero.Which of the following is NOT right?? A.impressed B.moved C.pressed D.struck 解析:be impressed by的含义是“对……留下深刻的印象”;be moved by的含义是“被……所感动”;be struck by的含义是“被……所打动”。而press的含义是“按,压”,与句意不符。 答案:C 4Seeing the sun     above the surface of the sea,we let out a shout of joy.? A.to rise B.to raise C.rising  D.raising 解析:rise是不及物动词,不接宾语,而raise是及物动词,意思是“提高”。此处rising在句子中作宾语补足语。 答案:C 5The Six-party Talks will be restarted in a few weeks,which has been     by the spokesman of the Chinese government.? A.concerned B.consulted C.confirmed D.combined 解析:concern“担心,关心”;consult“与某人商量”;confirm“证实”;combine“合并,使结合”。此处用confirmed表示“这一点得到中国政府发言人的证实”。 答案:C 6My uncle lives    .? A.away B.nearby C.far D.next 解析:此处nearby是副词,位于句末。 答案:B 二、单句改错 1I think it is a traditional for parents to give their children lucky money in red paper. 答案:traditional→tradition 2We can sometimes mix business at pleasure. 答案:at→with/and 3What he said left impression on me. 答案:在left和impression之间加an 4That’s Mount Tai at the distance. 答案:at→in 5It’s quite common to dream of that one is being run after. 答案:把of去掉 三、完成句子,词数不限 1???要对我疏远。 Don’t          .? 答案:keep me at a distance 2没有人证实那笔钱已经支付了。 No one  .? 答案:confirmed that the money had been paid 3这种混合物的味道很糟。 This        terrible.? 答案:mixture tastes 4他正在寻找附近的一家餐馆。 He is looking for        .? 答案:a nearby restaurant 5詹妮给我留下了深刻的印象。 Jenny made           me.? 答案:a deep imp


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