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PAGE  PAGE 7 课时作业(十二) 第十讲 状语从句 Ⅰ.完成句子 1.(2013·湖北襄阳3月调研)It will take David a long time to do the social practice______________________________________this firm.(access) 戴维要参加很长时间的社会实践才有机会进入这家公司。 答案: before he has/gets/gains access to 2.(2013·湖北省武汉市2月调研)As a policeman I find______________________,drugs are always behind it.(violence) 作为一名警察,我发现哪里有暴力,哪里就有毒品。 答案: where there is violence 3.(2013·湖北八校第二次联考)____________________________________into the master bedroom,I told Hillary we had to buy the house.(instant) 上楼走进主卧室的瞬间,我告诉希拉里,这房子我们买定了。 答案: The instant I walked/went upstairs 4.(2013·湖北八市3月调研)The war left the family scattered all over the world,and it was two decades______________________.(get) 那场战争使这个家庭的成员流落到世界各地,二十年后他们才相聚。 答案: before they got together 5.(2013·湖北七市高三联考)No matter________________________,people are unlikely to be persuaded if the product is unsuitable for them.(good) 一则广告无论多好,如果产品不合适,也不可能使人信服。 答案: how good an advertisement/ad is 6.(2013·武汉名校第二次调研)Mr Brown arranged for the taxi to come at six________________________wait long at the station.(have) 布朗先生安排出租车在6点钟来,这样他就不需要在车站等待太长时间。 答案: so that/in order that he didn’t have to 7.(2013·湖北三所名校高三下学期调研)He always manages to set aside some time for his family,________________________.(however) 不管有多忙,他每天总要抽出一点时间陪家人。 答案: however busy he is 8.(2013·黄冈市部分中学统一调研)________________________________________,we may as well make the most of it to get the hang of English culture.(get) 既然我们有这个机会,我们不妨充分利用它来了解英国文化。 答案: Now that/Since you’ve got the chance 9.(2013·黄冈中学5月模拟)________________________,she heard a great noise,which grew to a terrible roar.(move) 她还没来得及动弹,就听见有很响的声音,接着就成了可怕的隆隆轰鸣声。 答案: Before she could move 10.(2013·武汉5月模拟)The children,once________________________and guidance,can realize their full potential.(give) 一旦给予关注和指导,孩子们会充分认识到他们的潜力。 答案: given attention 11.(2013·黄冈3月检测)Don’t worry.The drug,________________________according to the directions,will have no side effect.(take) 别担心,如果按照说明来服用,这药不会有任何副作用。 答案: if (i



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