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20种新闻学、传播学研究名刊 根据世界新闻实验室(JournalismLab)的测评和统计,下面20种新闻学、传播学研究名刊值得订阅和学习。 1. 《哥伦比亚新闻评论》(美国-双月刊)Columbia journalism review 主页是当前文章,但同时提供近3年的全部期刊内容,并可以检索;可供选择的第三个网址可以看到1994年至今的文章/ www.cjrC (中文版)  HYPERLINK /p/articles/mi_qa3613 /p/articles/mi_qa3613 2. 《美国新闻评论》(美国-双月刊)American journalism review 该刊物涉及出版物、电视、电台和网络媒体的所有方面,以新闻分析与评论为主。  HYPERLINK / / 3. 《在线新闻评论》(Online Journalism Review)关于新媒体研究的一本杂志  HYPERLINK / / 4. 《编辑与出版商》(美国-月刊)Editor Publisher: Americas Oldest Journal Covering the Newspaper Industry Editor Publisher is the authoritative weekly magazine covering the newspaper industry in North America. The magazine dates back to 1884, when The Journalist, a weekly, was founded. EP was launched in 1901 and merged with The Journalist in 1907. EP later acquired Newspaperdom, a trade journal for the newspaper industry that started in 1892. 5. 《新闻学与传播学专论》(美国)Journalism and communication monographs (also known as: Journalism communication monographs)—Columbia, SC : Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, c1999-—ISSN: 1522-6379 6.《 新闻与大众传播教育者》(美国-季刊)Journalism and mass communication educator (also known as: Journalism mass communication educator, Educator, Journalism educator) —Columbia, SC : Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication in cooperation with the Association of Schools of Journalism and Mass Communication, c1995-—ISSN: 1077-6958 美国教育协会和新闻与大众传播学院协会合作出版发行的季刊。  HYPERLINK /JMCEfolder05/JMCE/back_iss.html /JMCEfolder05/JMCE/back_iss.html 7. 《新闻学与大众传播学季刊》(美国-季刊)Journalism and mass communication quarterly (also known as: Journalism mass communication quarterly, J MCQ, JMCQ)—Columbia, SC : Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, c1995-—ISSN: 1077-6990  HYPERLINK /pubs/ /pubs/ 8. 《E时代记者》(澳大利亚)EJournalist — (also known as: Refereed media journal)—Australia : Faculty of Informatics and Commnication, Central Queensland University, 2001-  HYPERLINK /ejournalist_v1n1.htm /ejou



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