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英汉称呼语的对比研究,英语其它论文 A Comparative Study between English and Chinese Address Forms [Abstract] Language is a part of culture . People of different nations differ in culture, history, custom and convention, and these differences can be shown in their languages. Thus different national people may have their own vocative expressions. And address forms play a prominent role in social interaction. Different address forms also reflect the social roles, social position, relationships and values of the two partners and convey implicit and rich emotional information as well. During the process of intercultural communication, without knowing the partner’s way to use the address will cause pragmatic failure and even break down the communication. This paper mainly expresses the similarities and differences of the east and west address forms from the three aspects of the definition and systems and function. What’s more, we analyze the address forms from the aspects of sociolinguistics and culturalinguistics so that we have a better understanding of it, which is helpful for people to understand each other thoroughly, improve the interpersonal communication level and set up good relationship. [Key Words] address forms; communicative function; social function; culture differences 英汉称呼语的对比研究 [摘 要]? 语言是民族文化的一个组成部分。不同民族有着不同的文化、历史、风俗习惯和风土人情等,各民族的文化和社会风俗又都在该民族的语言中表现出来。不同的民族有其不同的称呼系统。而称呼语是社交中的一个重要组成部分。各种不同的称呼语往往反映出交际双方的角色身份、社会地位、亲疏关系、价值观念和传递着含蓄而丰富的情感信息。在跨文化交际的过程中,若不了解对方称呼语的使用习惯就会造成语用失误,这样就给双方的交流带来极大的不便。 本文主要通过对称呼语的定义、分类、功能等三个方面阐述中西方称呼语的异同,从社会语言学和文化语言学的新视角来深化人们对称呼语这一语言现象的认识,从而增进彼此之间的了解,提高人与人之间的交流水平,建立良好的人际关系。 [关键词]? 称呼语;交际意义;社会功能;文化差异 1.Introduction Language is the mirror of the society. A language reflects all aspects of a society. Address form is an important part of language, which indicates the social roles, social position, relationships and values of the two partners. Chinese and English address forms derive from different linguistic systems, so there are some differences between them.



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