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On Idioms and Their Translation from Chinese into English 习语及习语的汉英翻译 Abstract Idioms are just like incomparably resplendent bight pearls emitting dazzling rays in the palace of literature. Throughout the ages, they animate the works of countless men of literature and writing. Idioms have fixed patterns and abundant connotations. Their vivid images explicitly convey incisive meanings. Chinese idioms are part of the essence of Chinese culture with a history of thousands of years. In this thesis, the English translation of Chinese idioms will be discussed on the foundation of simply introducing the definitions, origins, features, and classifications of idioms, and a series of principles and methods of idiom translation will be put forward, mainly involving the translation of the Chinese idioms which have similar and dissimilar implications in English. Key words Chinese idioms; similarity;dissimilarity 摘 要 习语犹如文学殿堂里一颗璀璨无比的明珠放射着历久不衰的光芒, 古往今来,无数文人墨客的笔下都闪耀着它的异彩。它结构固定而涵义深刻,用生动的形象明确地表达着深刻的思想。汉语习语是几千年华夏文化的精髓之一。本文在简单介绍习语就的定义,来源,特点及分类的基础上,研究汉语习语的英语翻译并提出一系列的汉语习语英译的翻译原则和翻译方法,其中主要涉及对似和非对似汉语习语的英语翻译。 关键词 汉语习语; 对似性; 非对似性 Introduction Language is the most important communicative tool of all human beings. It plays its role as not only the carrier and form of culture but also the most vital element of transmission and inheritance of culture. Language of any kind is the crystallization of the culture of its own nation. As the cream of the culture, the idiom is a kind of widespread set phrases or sentences, with specific implications, abstracted from the spoken language and experience of the people and the classical works. Due to its vivid image and profound connotation, the idiom is deeply loved by the masses, as a member with fine expressible ability in the family of language. Idioms frequently appear in the spoken language and literary works. Chinese idioms have a solid cultural base to take root, develop and flourish now that the Chinese nation has broad and profound culture. Nowa



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