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从迷茫的玛尔特的悲剧看女性存在的社会价值 An Analysis of the Social Value of Women’s Existence from the Tragedy of Confused Mathlide Abstract In the novel Red and Black, the heroine Mathlide is deeply influenced by French Revolution, which brought her self-awareness as a woman. However, she couldn’t find out a right way to certify her social value of existence, which at last caused the tragedy of her love and all of her life. Mathilde’s tragedy indicates that women’s self-awareness would be killed under the patriarchy culture. This paper points out that as independent individuals in society, women have their own social values. They are equal with men in the gender world. Through the analysis of the tragedy of Mathlide, and the statement about women traditional values which effect on their social values of existence, this paper tries to explain how women find out their social values of existence. Key Words Tragedy; female value; self-awareness; existence; patriarchy 摘 要 小说《红与黑》中,女主人翁玛尔特受法国革命的影响,有了朦胧的女性自我意识,但她却找不到证实自我存在的正确道路,最终导致了她的爱情乃至一生的悲剧。玛尔特的悲剧预示着在父权的世界里,女性自我意识的出现最终会被扼杀在父权这个巨大的阴影下。本论文的观点是女性作为一个独立的社会人,她们有其自身的社会价值,并且应该同男性一样平等地生活在这个两性的世界里。论文通过对玛尔特的悲剧性的分析,对女性传统价值对其社会价值影响的陈述,试图说明女性怎样寻找其社会存在价值。 关键词 悲剧性;女性价值;自我意识;存在;父权 Introduction The French Revolution broke out in the 18th century. Its aim was to weed out feudalism. In order to realize this intention, French nascent bourgeoisies declared: “Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity”. But that slogan excluded women. At that time, Olympe de Gouge, a French woman leader published her famous Declaration on the Right of Female citizens in 1791, which is regarded as the beginning of Women Movement. From then on, women have been fighting for their rights again and again all over the world. However, women’s self-awareness couldn’t be accepted in Bourbon Restoration time. In 1804, the French Civil Code declared in the 213 item: “A husband should protect his wife, and his wife should obey her husband”, and in the 225 item “A woman must submit her husban



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