解热镇痛抗炎药 Antipyretic analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs.ppt

解热镇痛抗炎药 Antipyretic analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs.ppt

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解热镇痛抗炎药 Antipyretic analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs

解热镇痛抗炎药 Antipyretic analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs;Antipyretic analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs;virus bacteria Bacterial product endotoxin TD Ag-Ab;Febrile: endogenous pyrogen →CNS→release PG↑ →thermotaxic center → Febrile Antipyretil: inhibit PG synthetase,decrease synthesis of PG →hypothermy ; depression bradykinin pain sensor antipyretic analgesic painstimulus PG PG synthesis sensitization depression ; Mechanisms: Effect on periphery, inhibit the synthesis of prostaglandins and prevent bradykinin from stimulating pain receptors, also inhibit the recognition of pain impulses centrally and peripherally.;Anti-inflammatory action Mechanisms: Inhibit a primary pathway in PG synthesis. Summary: Inhibit the PG synthesis to antipyretil, analgesic and anti-inflammatory ;解热镇痛抗炎药???类;阿斯匹林;Aspirin;【Pharmacological action】 Atipyretic: temperature drop qiuckly Analgesic: medium intensity Anti-rheumatic: inhibit antigen-antibody reaction, antibody formation, antigen antibody union,blood sedimentation↓, relieve flare of articulus. ;【 Clinical Indications 】 Antipyretic analgesic and anti –inflammatory Headache,toothache, algomenorrhea, neuralgiacourbature, arthralgia. Fever Acute rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis ;Aspirin ;Aspirin;Paracetamol Phenacetin;Phenacetin;Paracetamol Phenacetin;Phenylbutazone (保泰松) ;【Physiological disposition】 Oral to absorb, penetration synovia membrane→the concentration in synovia intermembrance space is 50% of that in blood (high concentration in joint tissue);【Side effects】 Stomach intestine reaction Water-sodium retention Anaphylactic respons Liverkidney damage Thyromegaly and myxedema ;Indometacin;Brufen Fenbid;Compound preparation (67 types);Thanks!


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