论《宠儿》中的女性主义On Perspectives of Feminism in Beloved.doc

论《宠儿》中的女性主义On Perspectives of Feminism in Beloved.doc

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论《宠儿》中的女性主义On Perspectives of Feminism in Beloved

PAGE 26 论《宠儿》中的女性主义 On Perspectives of Feminism in Beloved Abstact Toni Morrison is a famous black woman writer in America. Beloved is regarded as her most successful and astonishing novel and also serves as a brilliant milestone in the history of literature of Afro-Americans. In Beloved, Sethe is the center of the novel. In the thesis, Sethe is also the key. It focuses on Sethe’s escaping, killing the daughter, and her reaction after the return of Beloved. Besides, Sethe’s most striking characteristic is her devotion to her children. Unwilling to relinquish her children to the physical, emotional and spiritual trauma she has endured as a slave, she tried to murder them in an act, that is, in her mind, one of motherly love and protection. While Sethe was escaping, two women helped her. One is the white Amy and and another is Ella. They both desire for freedom. They realized it and put it to practice. Most essays and critics home and abroad focus on racial resistance, artistic features or writing techniques of Beloved. This thesis intends to give a feminist study on Beloved and draw people’s attention to the awakening of the women consciousness of the major and minor women characters in Beloved. What’s more, even nowadays, deep inside human consciousness, the human society is still under the control of Patriarchy. Women from different nations, countries and races need to fight for their rights of work, rights for education and demand for sexual and marriage freedom, so women’s problems are social problems and need social attention, and which is also the key of the thesis. Key words: Toni Morrison, Image, Awakening, Feminism 内容摘要 托妮·莫里森是美国著名的黑人女作家。《宠儿》是托尼·莫里森最成功最令人震惊的作品,也是非裔美国文学史上的里程碑。。 在《宠儿》这部小说中,塞丝是核心人物。在该论文中,塞丝也是关键。整篇论文的重点集中在塞丝的逃跑,塞丝的杀婴以及宠儿还魂后塞丝的反应上。塞丝最显著的个性就是她对孩子全身心的投入。因为不愿意让自己的孩子和自己一样遭受痛苦的经历,作为一个奴隶所遭受的来自肉体、情感以及精神上的折磨,她甚至试图谋杀她们。而这一切,在她的心里,是出于母爱以及她对孩子的保护。在塞丝从甜蜜之家逃离的过程中,两个女人曾经帮助过她。一个是白人艾弥;而另一个是艾拉。她们都渴望自由,而且她们都意识到这一点并付诸行动。 国内外关于《宠儿》的文章以及评论大都关注《宠儿》中的种族抵抗、艺


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