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 PAGE 53 摘要 传统的悬挂式刮泥机运行控制系统采用的是继电器逻辑控制线路。采用这种控制线路,存在易出故障、维护不便、运寿命较短、占用空间大等缺点。所以本课题采用PLC自动控制技术取代了传统继电器—接触器电气控制系统,实现了对中心传动刮泥机的自动控制,可编程控制器是一种广泛应用于工业现场的新型控制器,具有结构简单,抗干扰性强,编程方便等特点,本课题所研究的利用电气控制系统的设计实现了的控制悬挂式中心传动刮泥机自动化,方便了工人实际操作。由于PLC电气控制系统与继电器—接触器电气控制系统相比,具有结构简单,编程方便,调试周期短,可靠性高,抗干扰能力强,故障率低,对工作环境要求低等一系列优点。因此,本论文将把PLC控制技术应用到控制刮泥机中去,从而大大提高刮泥机的工作性能。完成了电气控制系统硬件和软件的设计,其中包括PLC机型的选择、I/O端口的分配、I/O硬件接线图的绘制、PLC梯形图程序的设计。对PLC控制刮泥机的工作过程作了详细阐述,论述了采用PLC取代传统继电器—接触器电气控制系统从而提高刮泥机工作性能的方法,给出了相应的控制原理图。 关键词 可编程控制器;梯形图;电气控制系统 Abstract The traditional hanging mud scraper operating control system uses is the relay logic control line. Uses this kind of control line, exists easily to crash, the maintenance inconveniently, transports the life to be short, to take the space in a big way and so on the shortcomings. Therefore this topic used the PLC automatic control technology to substitute for the traditional relay - contact device electricity control system, has realized to the central transmission mud scraper automatic control, The programmable controller is one kind widely applies in the industry scene new controller, has the structure to be simple, anti-jamming, characteristics and so on programming convenience, this topic studies the use electricity control system design has realized the control hanging center transmission mud scraper automation, has facilitated the worker actual operation. Because the PLC electricity control system and the relay - contact device electricity control system compares, has the structure to be simple, the programming is convenient, the debugging cycle is short, the reliability is high, ant jamming ability, the failure rate is low, to working conditions request low status a series of merits. Therefore, the present paper will apply the PLC control technology controls in the mud scraper, thus will enhance the mud scraper greatly the operating performance Has completed the electricity control system hardware and the software design, including the PLC type choice, t


李天佑 + 关注


