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Alexis Michaud, Jirong Xu
To cite this version:
Alexis Michaud, Jirong Xu. . , , 2012, 2, pp.139-165. halshs2
HAL Id: halshs https://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs2
Submitted on 2 Nov 2014
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出版信息:米可、徐继荣, “香格里拉县次恩丁村纳西语音系研究,” 《茶马古道研究集刊》第二辑,昆明 :
云南大学出版社, 2012 年,139–165 页。
Publication references: Michaud, Alexis Xu Jirong. 2012. Xiānggélǐlā xiàn Cìēndīng cūn nàxīyǔ yīnxì yánjiū
[Research about the phonemic system of the Naxi dialect of Ciending village, Shangri-la prefecture]. Chama Gudao
Yanjiu Jikan (journal published by Yunnan University Press), issue 2, pp. 139–165 (2012).
This is a ‘postprint’ version, with corrections to the word list.
A recording of part of the word list, realized in 2013, is now available online here:
The OAI identifier of the recording is:
It is available, along with other Ciending materials, from :
- 1、PARKER驰名商标申请案.PDF
- 2009天文摄影展.PDF
- 玻璃清洗干燥机-深圳市正新达玻璃机械有限公司.PDF
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- 2011年度河北省话剧院.doc
- 2011年投资什么.PDF
- 2012年6月7日举行之2011年度股东大会之代理人委任表格.PDF
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