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第 25卷 第 12期 中 国 给 水 排 水 V o.l 25 No. 12
2009年 6月 CH INA W ATER WA STEWAT ER Jun. 2009
陈 嫣, 谭学军, 王国华
(上海市政工程设计研究总院, 上海 200092)
摘 要: 白莲泾作为世博会浦东片区的核心景观之一, 其水环境质量成为关注的焦点。在点
源污染已全面控制的情况下, 白莲泾沿岸的分流制雨水泵站的排江污染应予以重视。对白莲泾沿
岸 4座雨水泵站雨天和旱流排江的水量、水质进行分析, 比较了不同分流制雨水泵站排江水质的特
点, 分析了雨水泵站对受纳水体污染的影响并提出了对策。
关键词: 白莲泾沿岸; 分流制雨水泵站; 排江污染; 控制对策
中图分类号: X52 文献标识码: B 文章编号: 1000- 4602( 2009) 12- 0016- 04
ControlM easures of Pollutants D ischarge from Rainwater Pum p
Stations along Bailianjing R iver
CHEN Y an, TAN Xue jun, WANG Guo hua
( ShanghaiM unicipal Eng ineering D esign General Institute, Shanghai 200092, China)
Abstract: A s one of the core landscapes in Pudong area o f Shangha iW orld s Fa ir, the w ater env i
ronm en t quality of Ba ilian jing R iver is becom ing an attention focus. W ith hav ing con tro lled the point po l
lution along Ba ilian jing R iver, the po llutants discharge from the rainw ater pum p stations w ith separate
system should be paid attention. The quantity and quality of the d ischarge from four rainw ater pum p sta
tions along B ailianjing R iver during rainy days and non rainy days are investigated and analyzed. B ased
on com paring the characteristics o f different rainwa ter pum p sta tions w ith separate system, the influence
of rainw ater pum p stations on rece iv ing w ater body is ana lyzed, and som e m easures of pollution contro l
are proposed.
K ey w ords: along Bailian jing R iver; ra inw
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