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第 15 卷 第 2 期 地 学前缘(中国地质大学(北京);北京大学) Vol.15 No .2 2008 年 3 月 Earth Science Frontiers (China University of Geosciences, Beijing ;Peking University) M ar .2008 孤南洼陷古近系沙三段中亚段可容空间转换系统研究 姜在兴1 ,  张  乐2 ,  吝  文1 ,  徐桂红1 1.中国地质大学(北京)能源学院 , 北京 100083 2.康菲中国有限公司 , 北京 100027 Jiang Zaixing1 ,  Zhang Le2 ,  Lin Wen1 ,  Xu Guihong 1 1.S chool o f E nergy Resources , Ch ina University o f Geosciences(Beijing), B eijing 100083 , Ch ina 2.ConocoPhillip s China Inc, Beijin g 100027, Ch ina z Jiang Zaixing, Zhang Le, Lin Wen , et a.l Research on the accommodation space transformation system in the Es3 member of the Gunan sag.Earth Science Frontiers , 2008, 15(2):026-034 Abstract:A cco rding to the traditio nal sequence stratigraphy , the cha ng e o f the sea(lake)lev el or o f the accom- mo da tion space of the basin is unified .Ho wev er, based on the analy sis and research o n the acco mmodation space , w e found tha t because o f the influences o f differential ba sement subsidence , sedimentary pro cess and abso lute lake lev el fluctuatio n, the changes of the acco mmodatio n space in a faulted basin are no t unified .T he acco mmodation-increasing , accommo dation-decreasing and acco mmodatio n-t ransfo rmatio n belts , and their three-dimensio na l distributio n a re called the accommo da tion space transformation sy stem .Based on the theo- retical model of the accommo da tion space t ransfo rmatio n sy stem , w e have ex pa tiated on its compone nts and z their rela tionship, and its division scheme .T he Es3 membe r o f the Gunan sag as a research object ha s been di- vided into a 3rd-o rde r acco mmodatio n space transfo rma tion sy stem and seven 4


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