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第 40 卷 第 9 期 东 北 农 业 大 学 学 报 40(9): 97~101 2009 年 9 月 Journal of Northeast Agricultural University Sep. 2009 滚筒式牧草干燥机参数模拟与分析 郑先哲,周修理,王建英,董航飞 (东北农业大学工程学院,哈尔滨 150030) 摘 要:为了分析滚筒干燥机内部的温度和气流分布,确定干燥条件对苜蓿含水率的影响。模拟滚筒干燥机 内部的温度场和热风流量场分布,并在滚筒式牧草干燥机上进行苜蓿干燥试验。结果表明,在滚筒式牧草干燥机 工作过程中,苜蓿与热空气间的 90%热交换发生在干燥机滚筒的前半段,且适当增加滚筒长度可使热风气流呈现 层流状态,有利于苜蓿段在滚筒内运动、换热和脱水。通过分析干燥参数对牧草最终含水率的影响规律,在苜蓿 初始水分为 78.5%时,得到合理苜蓿滚筒干燥参数组合:干燥温度为 360 ℃,滚筒转速 10 r·min-1,热风速度 1.8 m·s-1,喂入率为 25 kg·min-1。研究结果为优化滚筒式牧草干燥机结构和确定合理工艺参数提供了依据。 关键词:苜蓿;滚筒干燥机;干燥温度;滚筒转速;热风速度;模拟 中图分类号:S226.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-9369(2009)09-0097-05 Simulation and analysis of drying conditions for rotary dryer/ZHENG Xian- zhe, ZHOU Xiuli, WANG Jianying, DONG Hangfei (Engineering College , Northeast Agricultural Univesity, Harbin 150030, China ) Abstract: In order to analyze the state of the temperature and flow of hot-air and effect of drying conditions on final moisture content of alfalfa forage. the Ansys software was employed to simulate the distribution of temperature and hot-air flow field in a rotary dryer for the alfalfa drying, drying experiments of alfalfa forage were performed at a self-manufactured rotary dryer. The results showed that 90% heat transfer between the alfalfa stems and hot-air happen at forward half section of rotary cylinder, and the laminar flow state within rotary cylinder was presented by extended the length of cylinder to 4 m, thus facilitating the process of movement, heat transfer and dehydration of alfalfa stems within the rotary dryer. Based on the effect of drying conditions on the final moisture content of alfalfa stems, at the in


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