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第 41卷 第 5期 2 0 0 6年 5月 钢 铁 Iron and Steel Vo1.41.No.5 May 2006 烧结工艺优化的试验研究 刘竹林 , 陈子林。, 汤乐云。 (1.湖南冶金职业技术学院冶金系,湖南 株洲 412000; 2.湘潭钢铁公司烧结厂,湖南 湘潭 411101) 摘 要:针对湘钢采用高铁低硅烧结的特点 ,虽然提高了人炉烧结矿品位 。但会使烧结矿强度、粒度 、冶金性能等明 显变差 采取添加蛇纹石的试验和生产,结果表明:烧结矿的 SiO 含量略有提高,但改善了高铁低硅烧结矿中液 相少、强度差的状况,使返矿率下降,固体燃耗量降低。烧结矿的还原性和软熔性能得到改善。针对湘钢高炉渣 A12O。含量高的实际情况,解决增加 MgO会影响烧结矿强度的问题;工业试验表明:用轻烧 白云石部分代替白云 石对烧结矿的产量没有明显的影响,转鼓强度稍有提高。固体燃耗明显下降,高炉利用系数提高,焦比下降,炉渣流 动性好。在降低烧结矿低温还原粉化率方面,喷洒约 3%CaC1 溶液是非常有效的 关键词:烧结生产;工艺优化 ;转鼓强度;低温还原粉化率 中圈分类号:TF52 文献标识码:A 文章编号 :0449—749X(2006)05—0015—05 Experimental Study On Optimization Of Sintering Technology I IU Zhu—lin , CHEN Zi—lin 。 TANG Le—yun0 (1.Metallurgical Department of Hunan Metalurgical Professional Technology College,Zhuzhou 412000,Hunan,China; 2.Sintering Plant of Xiangtan Iron and Steel Group Co.,Ltd.,Xiangtan 411101,Hunan,China) Abstract:In spite of that charge quality for sintering was improved through using low silicon sinter。but the strength,size and metallurgical properties of sinter were deteriorated.It was found that serpentine addition makes liquid phase and strength increased,return fine and solid fuel consumption reduced and reduction-softening behavior of sinter improved,in spite of smal increase of SiO2 in sinter.Due to high A12 03 in blast furnace slag,and the in— fluence of MgO in sinter on it’S sinter strength was studied,the industrial experiment showed that replacement of dolomite with lightly fired dolomite partly has small effect on productivity,but the drum strength is increased,solid fuel consumption is reduced,the productivity of BF has increased with lower coke rate and the fluidity of slag is higher.Spraying with 3 CaC12 reagent is very effective for RDI(reduction degradation index). Key words:sintering production;technical optimization;drum strength;RDI 精料关系到高炉的利用系数、焦比及质量等重 要技术经济指标。而高炉精料实际上是要生产足量 的优质烧结矿,要求烧结矿品位高、二氧化硅低、冶 金性能好、化学成分稳定_l ]等。湘钢烧结厂近几年 对此进行了大量的研究与生产实践,并取得了显著的 成绩,高炉利用系数由前几年的 1.2 t/( ·d)提高 到了目前的2.6 t/(m3·d),燃料比由650 kg/t降到 了50



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