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Categories of Defect Categories of defect depends on experience of maintenance practic e .In this manual, the default Method used to categorize the defect found on the aircraft into fou r areas. Structure defect , Material defect, Common parts and Compo nents defect and General defect. 缺陷分类 缺陷的分类一般依照维修实践中的经验来分。在本手册中,我们将缺陷分为四 类:结构缺陷、材料缺陷、零部件缺陷和一般性缺陷。 1. Common Structure Defects Terms 结构缺陷术语 凹坑(1) dent 凹槽(2) notch 变形(3) deform 划痕(4) nick 点腐蚀(5) pitting 断裂(6) broken 腐蚀(7) corrode 划伤(8) scratch 裂纹(9) crack 毛刺(10) butt 磨损(11) chafe 凸起(12) protrude 凹陷(13) sag 粗糙(14) rough 漆层剥落(15) finish missing 褪色(16) fade 积水(17) entrapped water 2. Common material defect terms 材料缺陷术语 Material is divided in two categories: metallic and non-metallic. 材料分为两类:金属材料及非金属材料 1)Common metallic defect: 一般性金属材料缺陷: 氧化(18) oxidize 划伤(8) scratch 扭曲(19) distort 跷起(20) not in contour 穿孔(21) puncture 碎屑(22) chip 腐蚀(7) corrode 磨损(11) chafe 变形(3) deform 风蚀/风化(23) erode 裂纹(9) crack 2) Common non-metallic defect: 一般性非金属材料缺陷: 发霉(24) mildew 分层(25) delaminate 风蚀/风化(23) erode 裂纹(9) crack 老化(26) deteriorate 起皱(27) wrinkle 受潮(28) saturated 撕裂(29) tear 穿孔(21) puncture 变色(16) fade 陈旧(30) worn 脱胶(31) adhere 3. Common part component defect terms 设备及零部件缺陷术语 Common part and component including : Plumbing, Wiring, Mechanical linkage, Fastener and Miscellaneous. 设备及零部件分为:管路、线路、传动机构、紧固件及其他。 1) Plumbing defect 管路缺陷 凹坑(1) dent 爆裂(32) burst 擦伤(11) chafe 滑丝(33) cross thread 扭曲(34) twist 渗漏(35) leak 堵塞(36) obstruct 2) Wiring defect 线路缺陷 腐蚀(7) corrode 磨损(11) chafe 相碰(37) contact 断丝(38) fray 熔断(39) fused 弯曲(40) bend 3) Mechanical linkage defect 传动机构缺陷 断丝(38) fray 松弛( ) slack 扭结(34) twist 磨损(11) chafe 脱开(41) disconnect 4) Fastener defect 紧固件缺陷 丢失(42) missing 松动/松脱(43) loose 腐蚀(7) corrode 磨损(11) chafe 未关(扣)紧(44) not secure 5) Miscellaneous category consist of many parts and components ,fi ve kinds of these parts have been selected. They are Sealant, Wheel Assembly, Life Limited Parts, Placard and Marking, Slide /life Vest. 其他类包含很多种其


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