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第 24 卷第 3 期 中国惯性技术学报 Vol.24 No.3
2016 年 6 月 Journal of Chinese Inertial Technology Jun. 2016
文章编号:1005-6734(2016)03-0361-05 doi: 10.13695/ki.12-1222/o3.2016.03.015
一种基于 Gauss von Mises 分布模型的非线性量测更新方法
(沈阳理工大学信息科学与工程学院,沈阳 110159 )
摘要:基于状态空间模型的许多传统滤波算法都基于 Rn 空间中的高斯分布模型,但当状态向量中包含
角变量或方向变量时,难以达到理想的效果。针对J. T. Horwood 等提出的S Rn 流形上的Gauss Von Mises
(GVM)多变量概率密度分布,扩展了狄拉克混合逼近方法,给出了联合分布的 GVM 逼近方法,推导了
后验分布的 GVM 参数计算公式,设计了量测更新状态估计算法。将 J. T. Horwood 等的时间更新算法与
所提出的量测更新算法相结合,可实现基于 GVM 分布的递推贝叶斯滤波器(GVMF)。仿真结果表明,
当状态向量符合GVM 概率分布模型时,GVMF 对角变量的估计明显优于传统的扩展卡尔曼滤波器。
关 键 词:Gauss von Mises 分布;狄拉克混合逼近;递推贝叶斯滤波;量测更新
中图分类号:V448.2 文献标志码:A
Nonlinear measurement update based on Gauss von mises distribution
CHEN Mu-yi, WANG Hong-yuan
(School of Information Science and Engineering, Shenyang Ligong University, Shenyang 110159, China)
Abstract: Many traditional Kalman-based state estimation algorithms assume that the system state is
uncertain and the measurements are Gaussian distributed. However, this assumption cannot catch the periodic
nature of angular or orientation variables. Based on the Gauss von Mises (GVM) distribution defined on a
cylindrical manifold, this paper extends the Dirac mixture approximation method to deal with sampling with
GVM. The GVM approximation with joint distribution is proposed to perform recursive Bayesian filtering.
The formula for computing the posterior distribution is deduced, and the measurement update algorithm is
developed. The GVM filtering can be realized by combined with the time update algorithm proposed by