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璁$畻鏈烘椂浠 2017 骞 绗?鏈 路57 路
DOI: 10.16644/j.cnki.cn33-1094/tp.2017.01.018
钄″鐜夛紝鍒樻秷鍗楋紝椹惓鐞筹紝鐢 鍕囷紝灏氬織浼
(閮戝窞杞诲伐涓氬闄㈣绠楁満涓庨€氫俊宸ョ▼瀛﹂櫌锛屾渤鍗 閮戝窞 450002)
鎽 瑕侊細閽堝瀵嗙爜瀛﹁绋嬪鏉傘€佹娊璞°€佸涔犻毦搴﹀緢澶х殑闂锛岃璁″拰瀹炵幇浜嗗熀浜嶤#鐨勫瘑鐮佸瀹為獙婕旂ず绯荤粺銆傜郴缁熷疄鐜颁簡
瀵嗙爜瀛︾煡璇嗙殑浠嬬粛锛屽苟瀹炵幇浜嗙敤DES 绠楁硶銆丷SA 绠楁硶銆佺Щ浣嶄唬鎹㈢畻娉曘€佺疆鎹㈠瘑鐮佺畻娉曘€丮D5 绠楁硶绛夌畻娉曡繘琛屽姞瀵嗗拰瑙e瘑鐨
涓浘鍒嗙被鍙凤細TP309 鏂囩尞鏍囧織鐮侊細A 鏂囩珷缂栧彿锛?006-8228(2017)01-57-03
Design and implementation of cryptography experimental demonstration system with C#
Cai Zengyu, Liu Xiaonan, Ma Linlin, Gan Yong, Shang Zhihui
锛圕ollegeofComputerandCommunicationEngineering,ZhengzhouUniversity of LightIndustry, Zhengzhou, Henan 450002, China锛
Abstract 锛欰iming at the problem that the cryptography course is complex, abstract and difficult to learn, using C# language, a
cryptography experimental demonstration system is designed and implemented. The system realizes the introduction of cryptography
knowledge, and the demonstration of the DES algorithm, RSA algorithm, shift substitution algorithm, permutation cipher algorithm,
MD5 algorithm and so on for encryption and decryption. The test and application results show that the system has the encryption
and decryption function of the commonly used encryption algorithms, which has certain help and reference value for the study of
course and related content.
Key words 锛歟xperimental demonstration 锛沜ryptography 锛沞ncryption and decryption 锛泂ystem implementation
0 寮曡█ 寰堝ソ鐨勫甯歌瀵嗙爜瀛︾畻娉曠殑鍔犲瘑/瑙e瘑杩囩▼杩涜婕旂ず锛
浜轰滑缃戠粶瀹夊叏鎰忚瘑鏃ョ泭澧為暱锛屽浣曚繚璇佺敤鎴蜂釜浜 骞跺疄鐜颁簡瀵逛俊鎭強鏂囦欢鐨勫姞瀵?瑙e瘑鍔熻兘锛屽畬鍏ㄧ鍚堣