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《英语周报》12套模拟试题 ~  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 64 ~ 2012年福建省高考英语模拟试题(一)听力材料、参考答案及部分解析 [听力材料] (Text 1) M: Good morning, ma’am. Can I help you? W: Yes. Can I check out? My name is Linda Taylor and my room number is 1104. (Text 2) M: Hi, Mary. Any plans for the weekend? I’d like you to see a new movie with me. W: I wish I could, but there’s a test next Monday and I also have to do my homework. (Text 3) M: I’m going to meet my father at the airport at 10:15. Could you tell me what time it is now? W: It’s five minutes to ten by my watch. (Text 4) W: I’m sorry, but the number you dialed is not in service. M: But that’s impossible! I just spoke to him this morning. Please check it for me. W: Very sorry. I made a little mistake. I’ll dial for you again. M: All right. (Text 5) W: What did you think of the exams, John? Were they easy? M: No, I’m sure I failed the French exam, and most likely history, too. W: But you passed all the classes, right? M: Yes. Thank goodness it’s all over. (Text 6) M: What’s the matter, Lisa? W: My cousin is coming to see me tonight from Europe and I’m supposed to pick him up at the airport at seven. But I have to work late tonight. Can you possibly pick him up for me? M: Sure. But what’s his flight number? W: Flight MU220. M: OK. But how will I recognize him in the crowd? W: Well, he is tall and average weight. He wears glasses. M: My goodness. That could be almost anyone. W: Well, his hair is long. He has a beard. I almost forgot! His name is Simon. M: OK, no problem. I’ll find him by holding up a sign with his name on it. W: Thank you very much. (Text 7) M: Welcome to Boston. May I see your passport? Oh, I see, you’ve been here before. W: I’ve been here a couple of times. M: What’s the purpose of your visit? W: Um, it’s a holiday. M: Where are you going to go? W: I’m going from here to Atlanta, then, across to California, the Midwest and then back to Boston. M: Where are you going to stay? W: Well, mainly with friends


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