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非谓语结构(分词短语)在写作中的运用;Page ? *;1. When she heard the news, she burst into crying. _________ the news, she burst into crying. 2. Australia is located on the west coast of the Pacific. Australia is the largest country in Oceania. Australia, ________ __________ the west coast of the Pacific, is the largest country in Oceania.;3. Though I admit what he has said, I still doubt he didn’t do his best. __________ ________ ________ _______ _________, I still doubt he didn’t do his best. 4. Because I missed the bus, I went to school late. ________ ________ __________, I went to school late. ;用非谓语结构美化句子;2.发现学生下午昏昏欲睡的样子,老师竭尽所能来激发(arouse)他们的兴趣。 用连词and The teacher found students sleepy in the afternoon and did everything he could to arouse their interest. 用非谓语结构 Finding students sleepy in the afternoon, the teacher did everything he could to arouse their interest. ;3.这本用简易英语写成的书很容易读懂 用定语从句 The book, which was written in simple English, is easy to understand. 用非谓语结构 The book , written in simple English, is easy to understand;4. 他们是来自于几个国家的游客。 用定语从句 They are visitors who come from several countries. 用非谓语结构 They are visitors coming from several countries.;1. I was seriously injured. I couldn’t stand up. ; 3. I don’t like the man. The man is wearing a pair of dark glasses. ;使用非谓语结构写作文 【写作内容】 假设你是慧文中学的学生,该校组织了一次游香港海洋公园 的活动,请你根据下列提示和要求用英语写一篇有关该公园 的短文,短文必须包括以下内容要点: 1. 海洋公园开放于1977年; 2. 占地69公顷; 3. 位于香港岛的南部; 4. 是世界上最大的海洋公园,也是全球最受欢迎的主题公园; 5. 建有各种设施,人们不但可以观看各种海洋生物,还可以 玩很多刺激的游戏; 6. 大陆来的熊猫佳佳、安安也是住在园内。;1. 海洋公园开放于1977年, 位于香港岛的南部(主语,非谓语结构, be located/situated in …) Hong Kong Ocean Park, opened in 1977, is located on the south end of Hong Kong Island. 2. 占地69公顷(hectare), 使得它成为世界上最大的海洋公园(主+谓+宾,非谓语结构) It covers an area of 69 hectares, making it the largest ocean park in the world. ; Hong Kong Ocean Park, opened in 1977, is located on the south end of Hong Kong Island. It covers an area of 69 hectares, making it the largest ocean park in the world. The pa


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