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2013年4月20日托福口语考题解析   口语:   Task 1: What suggestions would you give to a friend who is starting a new job. Give examples and details in your response.   参考答案   Id like to give my friend whos starting a new job the following suggestions. First, get familiar with people at the new place. I believe that the best way of getting use to a new work environment or cooperate culture is talking to, and learning from the people who work there as often as possible. They can give new comers lots of tips on what to look out for, and how they can advance in the company. Second, try to be productive. There are so many things one can do to stay productive. Including getting in the office on time, meeting deadlines and? consulting with boss and coworkers when difficulty presents.   Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the statement that students should be allowed to carry their cellphones at all times. Give details and examples in your response.   参考答案   I strongly agree with the statement that students should be allowed to carry their cellphones all the time. First of all, people do everything nowadays on their cellphones. Take myself for example. All my class schedules are on my phone. Sometimes I take audio notes in a class that might be going to fast for me which help enormously. Also, when it comes to communication, cellphones are extremely important for us if not crucial. Especially in the case of an emergency. Students can call or send text messages to get help or stay in touch with their loved ones.   Task 3   是一个学生写信说学校应该给他们提供机会去别的地方实习而且学校应该掏这部分费用。女生不同意1、这个城市虽然小但是也有很多公司可以实习她的朋友就找到一家。2、花销太贵了 学校的经费还要做其他很多用处,会不够。   解题要点   Reading   Letter: students of business department should be given the opportunity to intern overseas   Reason 1: students get a chance to do different business practice from different cultures   Reason 2: reduce top students financial pressure if the university sponsors them   Listening   Woman disagrees with the plan   Reason 1: a student doesnt have to go


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