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PAGE  PAGE 6 初二英语Unit 1 3 测试题 一.根据提示完成单词。(10分) Do you like the singing ____________(竞赛) yesterday? It’s ___________(必须的) for us to work hard every day.? Our maths teacher is very ________(严肃的). He never laughs in class. Today we learned some ________(谚语) in our Chinese class. He was so funny that he often makes his friends ________(发笑). I was a p________ school student when I was seven years old. Alice is an o________ girl. She likes to stay with her friends and enjoys talking. Everyone wants to w______ the game. Sam and I are b______ good at swimming. 10.Every morning I look at myself in the m________ after I Wash my face. 二.选择填空(20分) ( )1._____ they are twins,____ they don’t look the same. A.Though, but B.Though, \ C.But, \ D.Because, so ( )2. Jack, is there __________ in today’s newspaper? No, nothing. A. anything fun B. something fun C. fun anything D. fun something ( )3. He walk slowly_____his bad leg. A. as a result B. because C. so D. because of ( )4. What bad weather it was! We decided _______ A. to stay home B. Staying home C. to stay at home D. stayed at home ( )5. he is very tired, he still study hard. A. Although, but B. /, because C. Although, / D. but, / ( )6. Her room is ____ than _____..? A.biger,your B.bigger,your C.biger,yours D.bigger,yours ( )7. was your vacation? It was great. A. What B. How C. When D. How about ( )8.Tara sings _____ than Lisa. . A.loudly B.loud C.loudlier D.more loudly ( )9. We have to the rain to stop before we got out. A. wait to B. waited to C. wait for D. waited for ( )10._____ of Wang Lei’s parents are teachers. A.All B.Every C.Both D.Each ( )11. We enjoyed ____ in the water on Monday afternoon.


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