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Cap 548A s26 Director may require information四 摘要:本文主要介绍了Cap 548A s 26 Director may require information主要内容。 (a) seize the vessel; (b) remove the vessel or cause it to be removed from the closed area or the prescribed area, as the case may be; (c) detain the vessel.(5) Where a vessel has been seized and detained under subsection (4), and regardless of whether the vessel has been removed under that subsection, the Director may remove any person or property found on the vessel and may take possession of any property found on the vessel. (6) As soon as practicable after seizing and detaining a vessel under subsection (4), and regardless of whether the vessel has been removed under that subsection, the Director shall serve a notice of the seizure and detention on the persons whom the Director believes to be the owner and the licensee of the vessel, and on every person whom the Director believes to be the owner or otherwise entitled to the possession of any property on board the vessel. (7) A notice served under subsection (6) shall be deemed to have been duly served on the person on whom it is to be served- (a) if the notice is delivered to the person concerned; (b) if the notice is sent by registered post addressed to that person at the place of residence or business of that person, if any, last known to the Director; or (c) (where it cannot be served in accordance with paragraph (a) or (b)) if the notice is published in the Gazette.(8) A notice served under subsection (6) shall- (a) state the names (if known to the Director) of the persons whom the Director believes to be the owner and the licensee of the vessel; (b) state the name (if known to the Director) of every person whom the Director believes to be the owner or otherwise entitled to the possession of any property on board the vessel; (c) describe the vessel and the place at which it was seized; (d) describe the property on board the vessel; (e) give the reason for the seizure and detention of the vessel;


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