
Halbach 结构圆筒型永磁直线发电机的设计分析.pdf

Halbach 结构圆筒型永磁直线发电机的设计分析.pdf

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Halbach 结构圆筒型永磁直线发电机的设计分析

中国科技论文在线 Halbach结构圆筒型永磁直线发电机的设计 # 分析 郑萍,李林,甘旭辉* (哈尔滨工业大学电气工程及其自动化,哈尔滨 150080 ) 摘要:斯特林发动机配合直线发电机构成的发电系统具有发电效率高、环境污染小等特点, 本文设计的Halbach充磁永磁直线发电机就是应用到斯特林发电系统中的。Halbach磁体结 构是国内外学者研究的热点,把它应用到直线发电机中有着突出的特点。本文首先用有限元 方法对Halbach充磁式直线发电机的空载性能进行分析,得出Halbach充磁结构当轴向充磁 与径向充磁永磁体轴向长度的比例变化时对反电势波形有较大的影响。然后,分析了永磁体 厚度对空载特性的影响,从而得到空载反电势随永磁体厚度变化的规律。最后对已制样机进 行了实验测试和功能性验证。 关键词: 电机设计;Halbach阵列;直线发电机;有限元分析; 中图分类号:TM359.4 Design and Analysis of Permanent Magnet Tubular linear Generators With Cylindrical Linear Halbach Arrays Zheng Ping, Li Lin, Gan Xuhui (Electrical Engineering and Automation, Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin 150080) Abstract: The power system constituted by Stirling engine and linear generator has high efficiency in electricity generation, little pollution for the environment and other characteristics. The permanent magnet tubular linear machine designed in this paper is used for the Stirling power generation system. Halbach array attracts many domestic and foreign scholars to study, for applying it to linear generator has prominent features. Firstly the paper analyzes the no-load performances of permanent magnet tubular linear generators with the finite element method, and obtains the conclusion that the length ratio of axial magnetization and radial magnetization has significant influences on the no-load electromotive force. Next the paper analyzes the no-load performances influedced by the thickness of permanent magnets,and comes to the conclusion the rule of the no-load electromotive force changed by the permanent magnet thickness. Lastly, the experimental test and its functional validation are performed. Keywords: motor desig


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