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2014高考 词性归类考点讲座 名 词 篇 纵观高考试题,试题中出现的考点主要有:名词的复数形式;不可数名词的辨认;抽象名词转换成普通名词的名词一体词;名词作定语;双重所有格;名词前多个形容词排列。 一、名词可数与不可数及修饰词: 常考的抽象名词有: advice, chalk, furniture, patience, paper, clothing, fun, power, work, oil, jewelery, homework, sugar, information, salt, knowledge, luck, weather, progress, news (word), money 注意:another不能修饰不可数名词,可说another book,不可说another news。 二、复合名词的复数形式因词而异: 1. a man driver (men drivers) a woman doctor ( women doctors) 2. a film-goer (film-goers) 电影爱好者 3. a looker-on (lookers-on) 旁观者 passers-by 4. a grown-up (grown-ups) 成年人 三、部分名词的复数形式表示特殊意义: goods, looks(表情、外貌), times, interests, works, glasses, hairs(头发), drinks(饮料), manners, papers, greens(青菜、蔬菜), irons(熨斗), forces(军队), sands(沙滩), arms, airs(做作的样子、架子) →put on airs e.g. 1. His mother wants to buy some greens in the market. She is dressed in green. 2. Her grandfather can not read without glasses. In fact her necklace was made of glass. 3. Wood can be made into paper. It’s polite for the students to help the teacher collect or hand out papers. 4. It takes a lot of work to build a house. A new chemical works will be set up here. 5. The city is in great need of our goods. How good of you to come and help us! 6. Put down your arms, or we’ll fire. She carried a box under her arm. 7. What does this French word mean? Only by this means can we learn English well. 8. Don’t put on airs before us. He likes going out for fresh air. 9. She takes no interest in politics. We should not live only for our own interests. 四、几个容易误用的名词的单复数: 1. 单复数相同: sheep, deer, fish, Chinese, Japanese, means, works 2. 只有复数:cattle, people 3. 常以复数形式出现: trousers, glasses, thanks, clothes, remains(遗物), contents, goods, congratulations, means, sports, preparations(准备), tears, repairs, regards, games(运动会) 4. 以s结尾的学科或专有名词常作单数: politics, maths, physics, the United States, The United Nations 五、几组易错名词的用法: 1. many a + 单数名词 = many + 复数名词 2. 集合名词:family, team, audience, enemy, public, group, class, government, company, police, arty,c


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