
itr-9608槽型光耦 光电开关.pdf

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itr-9608槽型光耦 光电开关

Device Number: DRX-096-028 REV: 1.1 MODEL NO: ITR9608 Ecn: Page:1of8 ■ Package Dimensions : TEL:020 FAX:020 E-mail:sales@ Device Number: DRX-096-028 REV: 1.1 MODEL NO: ITR9608 Ecn: Page:2of8 ◎Notes: 1.All dimensions are in millimeter. 2.General Tolerance:± 0.2mm 3.Lead spacing is measured where the lead emerge from the package. 4.Above specification may be changed without notice. EVERLIGHT will reserve authority on material change for above specification. 5.These specification sheets include materials protected under copyright of EVERLIGHT corporation. Please don’t reproduce or cause anyone to reproduce them without EVERLIGHT’s consent. 6.When using this product , please observe the absolute maximum ratings and the instructions for use outlined in these specification sheets. EVERLIGHT assumes no responsibility for any damage resulting from use of the product which does not comply with the absolute maximum ratings and the instructions included in these specification sheets. ■ Descriptions: The ITR9608 (Slot Optical Switch) is a gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode which is coupled with a silicon photo transistor in a plastic housing. The packaging system is designed to optimizes the mechanical resolution, coupling efficiency, and insulates ambient light. The slot in the housing a provides a means of interrupting the signal with printer, scanner, copier, or other opaque material, switching the output from an ” ON” to” OFF” state. ■ Features: .Wide gap between light emitter and detector(5.0mm) .High sensing a


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