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智 课 网 S A T 备 考 资 料 SAT填空单词巧记 SAT的填空单词向来是学生的拦路虎,有些单词可以巧记,帮助学 生迅速掌握。下面是笔者对9道SAT中好记单词的分析,权当抛砖引玉 ,希望对学生有所助益。每道题目的开头都注明真题的出处和页码,有 助于学生寻找。 OC-Test 2- Section 7 Excessive secrecy tends to_________ excessive curiosity and thus serves to_________ the very impulses against which it guards. (A) inhibit.. protect (B) disguise.. supplant (C) satisfy.. limit (D) compel.. deride (E) invite .. provoke 单词巧记 satisfy SAT=美国高考 美国高考是不是让你很“满足”?你现在不就在学吗? 于是satisfy=满足 OC- Test 1 -Section 2 Representing a round world on a flat surface is impossible without some ______: the Mercator projection map shows Greenland as over ten times larger that Mexico, a country in fact only slightly smaller than Greenland. (A) Oversight (B) Simplification (C) Distortion (D) Sophistication (E) superficiality 单词巧记oversight: over=上方 sight=看 妈妈在二楼看一楼做作业的你,所以oversight=监督 你站在宁波智课教育的十四楼看一楼的一只蚂蚁,能看见吗?不能 ,所以oversight=忽略 小结:oversight两个含义:1.监督 2.忽略 OC-Test 1- Section 2 The ------- with which merchants and landowners in early-nineteenth-century Maryland and Virginia ------- Joshua Johnston’s professional services attests to his artistic skill as a portrait painter. (A) avidness . . sought (B) diffidence . . purchased (C) patience . . replaced (D) elegance . . regarded (E) zealousness . . overlooked 单词巧记elegance Leg=大腿 当八戒向你露出他美丽的大腿,八戒是不是很“优雅”? 所以elegance=优雅 OC-Test 1- Section 2 The man’s colleagues characterized him as______ because he had an irritable, quarrelsome disposition. (A) Tyrannical (B) disingenuous (C) sanctimonious (D) cantankerous (E) morose 单词巧记cantankerous Can=能够 tank=坦克 能够像坦克一样横冲直撞的人必然是“脾气坏的”人 所以cantankerous=脾气坏的 单词巧记morose Mo=摸 rose=玫瑰 当你摸玫瑰的时候,玫瑰就“郁闷”了 所以,morose=郁闷的 OC-Rest 1-Section 8 Over the years the anthropologists opinions had ____: he refused to tolerate new ideas and noth


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