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第 10 卷 第 4 期 交 通 运 输 工 程 学 报 Vol1 10 No1 4 2010 年 8 月 Journal of Traffic and T ransport ation Engineering Aug. 2010 文章编号: 167121637( 2010)06 交通仿真中驾驶人空间视野感知模型 张 驰, 杨少伟, 潘兵宏, 赵一飞 (长安大学 特殊地区公路工程教育部 重点实验室, 陕西 西安 710064) 摘 要: 分析了驾驶人视野注视点的移动规律, 研究了空间视野范围内的视野水平角, 给出了车速 与视野和注视距离的关系, 提出了空间视野感知模型。结合道路中心线与平行线三维坐标计算方 程, 建立了驾驶人空间视野感知模型的计算方法。通过计算机模拟实际场景, 对 5 位受试者分别进 行了 4 次测试, 得到了 722 段组合数据和 3 585 个速度数据, 对模型进行了验证。研究结果表明: 预测结果与实测结果吻合率大于 70% , 不明显效果率低于 20% , 错误效果率低于 10% 。该模型仿 真效果明显, 算法易于实现。 关键词: 交通仿真; 空间视野; 感知模型; 视野注视点 中图分类号: U 4911 123 文献标志码: A Perception model of driver spatial vision in traffic simulation ZH ANG Chi, YAN G Shao2wei, PAN Bing2hong, ZH AO Yi2fei ( Key Laboratory for Special Area Highway Engineering of M inistry of Education, Changpan University, Xipan 710064, Shaanxi, China) Abstr act: T he movement r ule of driversp visual gaze points was analyzed, the horizontal visual angle of spatial vision r ange was studied, the relationship among speed, vision and gaze distance was established, and a perception model of driver spatial vision was proposed. Accor ding to the 3D coordinate equations of road center line and parallel, a calculation method of spatial vision perception model was put forward. In order to test and verify the model, 5 participants carried out four different tests to obtain 722 combination data and 3 585 speed data through simulating actual scene. Study result shows that the coincidence r ate between prediction result and experimental r esult is more than 70% , the unconspicuous effect rate is less than 20% , and the


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