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暖通空调 HVAC 2007年第 37卷第 6期 工程实例 # 79 # 北京金融街 B7 大厦 暖通空调设计 中国建筑设计研究院 关文吉 m 蔡 玲 李冬冬 宋 玫 张 力 摘要 介绍了冷热源、供暖、空调、通风及防排烟、控 制等系统的设计。办公区采 用四管 制、变风量系统加散热器供暖系统, 且内外区共用同一机组; 四季花厅和大堂等大空间采用低 温地板辐射供暖系统; 大部分百叶风口设在室外绿地地面上, 在进排风竖井里进行了消声、过 滤、防水、排水处理; 新风不作冷热湿处理, 直接送入空调机组; 空调系统变频节能运行。 关键词 变风量空调 散热器 低温地板辐射供暖 变频 HVAC system design for B7 building in Beijing Financial Street By Guan Wenji n , Cai Ling , Li Dongdong, Song Mei and Zhang Li Abstract Presents t he design of co ld and hea t sources, heating, air co nditioning , vent ilatio n, sm oke contro l and e xtraction and autom atic co ntrol systems. T he of fice zo ne s in standa rd f lo ors ado pt fo ur- pipe wa ter system , V A V air c onditioning sy stem and radiato r heating system , a nd inner and pe riphe ra l zo nes sharing the sam e V A V unit. T he large spaces such as the perpet ual ga rden and the ha lls adopt lo w- temperature f lo o r panel heating systems. M ost reg isters are insta lled in outdoo r g ree n are a, and so me measures inc luding sound attenuation, f iltra tio n, wa terproo f and drainag e are take n in air intakes and e xhaust shaf ts. O utdo or air is directly supplied into air conditio ning units w itho ut pre handling. T he air conditio ning system is of va riable f re quency o pera tio n. Keywords V A V air conditioning, radiato r, lo w- te mpera ture f lo or panel he ating , v ariable frequency n Chin


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