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PAGE  PAGE 52 课号1授课班级 授课时间2009.9.1 第1周授课时数2授课单元 名称 Unit 1 First Day at Work授课设计 主要教学知识或能力要求 阅读部分:Introduction to computer components 写作部分:Memos, notes and notices 主要教学方法 讲解+阅读 主要教学互动点 1.What is a computer? The computer, also called a processor, is a electronic device that can interpret and execute programmed, commands for input, output, computation, and logic operations. 2.Key elements in a computer system 采用教辅手段 PPT多媒体教学 教学内容处理 在对词汇和短语理解的基础上,详细介绍阅读及写作中的要点。 授课环节 引入新课 Introduce the meaning of learning this course. 教学内容及主要板书 Unit 1 First Day at Work 阅读部分:Introduction to computer components What is a computer? The computer, also called a processor, is a electronic device that can interpret and execute programmed, commands for input, output, computation, and logic operations. 写作部分:Memos, notes and notices Memos: Notes: Notices: 教学小结 Good method leads to good reading comprehension. Business writing is important if entering an international corporation. 课后作业 Exercise 1,4,8 课后总结 学生能基本掌握阅读与写作部分的内容和要求。课号2授课班级 授课时间2009.9.2 第1周授课时数2授课单元 名称 Unit 1 First Day at Work 授课设计 主要教学知识或能力要求 听力部分:Formal greeting and introductions 口语部分:Small talk greeting and introduction 主要教学方法 听力+口语场景 主要教学互动点 Formal greeting and introductions Useful expression in office small talk greeting and introduction. 采用教辅手段 PPT多媒体教学 教学内容处理 口语与听力交叉训练,提高学生的参与度。 授课环节 引入新课 Introduce the situation about greeting and introduction. 教学内容及主要板书 Unit 1 First Day at Work 听力部分:Formal greeting and introductions A: Mr. Lin, I’d like you to meet Amy Jin. She’s our Human Resources Manager. B: How do you do, Ms. Jin? C: How do you do, Mr. Lin? B: Nice to meet you. C: It’s nice to meet you, too. 口语部分:Small talk greeting and introduction what would you say in the following situations? 1. Introduce yourselves in a less formal way. 2. Try to introduce two of your partners to each other. 3. Your boss



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