
李源 外固定支架在创伤骨科手术中的应用.docx

李源 外固定支架在创伤骨科手术中的应用.docx

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李源 外固定支架在创伤骨科手术中的应用

外固定支架在创伤骨科手术中的应用 摘要:目的:探讨外固定支架在创伤骨科手术中的应用效果。方法:于2015年1月到2016年1月间,在我院选择80例创伤骨科手术患者作为研究对象,根据患者手术治疗方法将患者分为内固定组(n=40)和外固定组(n=40),给予内固定组患者进行常规切开复位内固定治疗,给予外固定组患者采取外固定支架治疗,对比两组患者的治疗效果。结果:外固定组患者术中出血量、手术时间、住院时间、骨折愈合时间与内固定组患者相比明显较少,P<0.05。外固定组患者治疗优良率与内固定组相比明显较高,P<0.05。外固定组患者并发症发生率与内固定组患者相比明显较少,P<0.05。外固定组患者术后3个月生活质量评分与内固定组相比明显较高,P<0.05。结论:外固定支架在创伤骨科手术中的应用效果显著,能有效改善患者治疗效果及预后,可在临床推广运用。 关键词:外固定支架;创伤骨科手术;效果 Abstract: Objective: To investigate the effect of external fixator in orthopaedic trauma surgery. Methods: in January 2015 to between 1 January 2016. In our hospital choose 80 cases of traumatic orthopedic surgery patients as the research object, according to the patients surgical treatment were divided into internal fixation group (n = 40) and external fixation group (n = 40) and treated with internal fixation group of conventional open reduction and internal fixation and external fixation for the treatment of external fixation group, treatment effects were compared between the two groups. Results: external fixation group patients bleeding volume, operation time, hospitalization time, fracture healing time and internal fixation group were compared Significantly fewer, P 0.05. External fixation group for the excellent and good rate and internal fixation group is significantly higher, P 0.05. External fixation group of patients with complications occurred and fixation group rate significantly less often compared, P 0.05. External fixation group of patients after 3 months score of quality of life and the inner fixation group compared with significantly higher, P 0.05. Conclusion: the external fixator in orthopaedic trauma surgery the application effect is remarkable, can effectively improve the treatment effect and prognosis can be used in clinical practice. Key words: external fixation support; trauma department of orthopedics surgery; effect 骨折是指骨骼结构因多种因素引起的连续性完全或部分断裂,骨折是临床常见骨科疾病。创伤性骨折又称外伤性骨折,是指在意外事故或暴力中出现的骨骼断裂[1]。当前人类物质生活水平的不断提升,社会经济正在不断增长,直接使得机械事故、交通事故等发生率不断升高,也直接引起创伤


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