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; ;Thesis Writing 1; ;1. 必须有 Notes。单独一行,居中,无标点,4号加粗。 2. 论文中所引用的所有公开出版或发表的文献,英文 20个词左右,中文30个左右,都要标明出处。 3. 注释的顺序号为1,2符号,注释正文中文使用 五号楷体字,英文使用Times New Roman 5号字。 4. 正文中以右上标形式标注顺序号,与注释中的序号 一致。; Notes写作的具体方法 1. 格式: APA: American Psychological Association MLA: Modern Language Association of America APA: (Marcuse, 1975, p. 197) MLA: (Marcuse 197) Others:; 格式种类: (1)Parenthetical citations (2)Footnotes (3)Endnotes 2. Endnotes写作的具体方法 主要内容:序号+作者+作品名词+出版信息+页码; Note number the author’s name, the title (city: publisher, year of publication) page, line. 序号(Note Numbers): 自左空4空格;用右上标,与文本中的序号格式一致 如:1 而不是1。其后空一个,之后写作者 1 Geoffrey Chaucer, 2 Paula R. Feldman,; 作者(Author’s Name ) Single Author: 姓名+逗号 Geoffrey Chaucer, Double Authors: 姓名+and+姓名+逗号 Kwame Anthony Appiah and Henry Louis Gates, More Authors: 姓名+逗号+姓名+and+姓名+逗号 Brad Edmond, Kwame Appiah and Henry Louis,; 作品名称(Title) 专著: The Pastoral Art of Robert Forst 编辑: A Hammock beneath the Mangoes: Stories from Latin America, ed. 译著:A Novel in Monthly Installments, trans. 刊物文章: “Panel Could Help Protect Children,” Winston-Salem Journal 6 (1990);出版信息:(城市+冒号+出版社+逗号+出版年) (city: publisher, year of publication) e.g. 1 John F. Lynen, The Pastoral Art of Robert Forst (New Haven: Yale UP, 1960) 3, 7-11. ;页码: (the year of publication): page, line. e.g. 1 Richard H. Fogle, “Ambiguity and Clarity in Hawthorne’s ‘Young Goodman Brown’,” New Eng- land Quartely 18 (1945): 48, 11-15. 2 Ibid., p. 48. 3 Ibid., pp. 48-9.;e.g. 1 Geoffrey Chaucer, The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, ed. F. W. Robinson, 2nd ed. (Boston: Houghton, 1957) 545. 2 Marisa Lajolo, “The Femal Reader on Trial,” Brasil 14 (1995): 75-76. 3 Laura Esquivel, A Novel in Monthly Install- ments, trans. Carol Christensen and Thomas Christensen (New York: Doubleday, 1992) 1-5.;参考文献15个以上正式发表的学术性专著或期刊。 教材、非学术性文献、未发表文献不能作为参考文献。 2. 所列出


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