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Brief Introduction 对外贸易中的商品单价通常由四个部分组成,即计量单位、单位价格、计价货币和价格术语。 国际贸易中使用的价格术语很多,其中以 F.O.B、C.I.F、及C.F.R三种价格术语最为常用。对于这三种价格术语,国际上有多种解释,现将这三种价格术语扼要解释如下: 1.F.O.B 该价格叫装运港船上交货价,简称“船上交货”。F.O.B是 Free On Board的缩写。采用这一价格术语时要在其后注明装运港名称。 2.C.I.F 该价格叫成本加保险费、运费价。C.I.F是Cost Insurance Freight的缩写。采用这种价格术语的时候,应在C.I.F后注明目的港名称。 3.C.F.R该价格叫成本加运费价。采用这种价格术语时,也应在 C.F.R后注明目的港名称。 Basic Expressions 1. If you can reduce the price by 5%, we shall be able to order 200 metric tons. 如果你方能降价百分之五,我们将订购二百公吨。 2. Business is possible if you increase the price by 2%. 如果你方提价百分之二,交易才有可能。 3. We are not interested unless your price is reduced to a level in line with the market price. 除非你们把价格降到与市场价格相等,否则我们不感兴趣。 4. We have been informed that the current price on your side is much higher than what you say. 我们听说你方的现行价比你方所说的要高很多。 5. Sellers decide to wait no matter when the price picks up. 不管价格何时回升,卖方决定再等一等。 6. Our prices are highly competitive when you consider quality. 如果你们考虑一下质量的话,我们的价格是很有竞争性的。 7. Our price is net without commission. 我们的价格是净价,不含佣金。 8. To meet your requirements, we would like to reduce our price by 2%, which, I hope, will be satisfactory to you. 为满足你方要求,我们愿降价百分之二,希望能令你们满意。 9. I’m awfully sorry. This is our floor price. If you find it unworkable, we may as well call the deal off. 很遗憾,这是我们的底价。如果你觉得价格不可行,我们只好取消这笔交易。 10. Will you please quote F.O.B Brussels in U.S. dollar? 请你们以美元、布鲁塞尔离岸价报价。 11. It’s better for us to have a talk on price terms, because it is one of the key points in our dealings. 我们最好先谈价格条件,因为它是做生意的一个关键。 12. I’ll have to consult my home office before I can give you a definite answer on the price terms. 在答复你方有关价格条件之前,我得先跟我们国内公司联系一下。 Conversations Dialogue 1 A: I’ve come to hear about your offer for bristles. B: We have the offer ready for you. Let me see ... here it is. 100 cases Houston Bristles, 57 mm, at 10 pounds sterling per kilogram, C.I.F European Main Ports, for shipment in June 2001. The offer is valid for five days. A: Why, your price has soared. It’s almost 25% higher than la



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