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模具人必备??模具英语100句(中英对照) 1. All in English Imperial Unit. 全部使用英文和英制单位。 2. Are part dimensions to print plus shrink? 请检查内模尺寸有否乘缩水? 3. All wires protected from sharp corners? 凡有电线通过的角位要改为R角,是否完成? 4. All replaceable components must be standard components. 所有替换的元件必须是标准件。 5. Add shot counter? 是否加啤塑总计器? 6. A complicated mould with thorough design consideration to overcome the numerous design contraints. 一个复杂的模具,设计经过周详考虑,成功地克服了各种设计上的限制。 7. All moving components should use hardened steel: all slides should be installed with hardened or lubricated alloy wear plates and gibs, and with positive slide retainer. 所有移动的零件应使用硬钢料,行位必须用硬垫板和硬线条,而且必须有限位及定位锁。 8. BOM including water fittings, ejectors custom components. BOM的内容应包含运水接头,顶针和自制的零件。 9. BeCu for lifters if w/o water circuits. 若没有运水回路,斜顶为铍铜。 10. Corresponding components mirrored at core cavity. 对应的部件在前、后模平面视图中镜像。 11. Check polish for line of draw finish? 有否省光就出模? 12. We will make the lifter and (inner) slider in this position, will that be a problem? 产品里面的这个位置我们打算做斜顶或内行位,有问题吗? 13. Crane capacity and loading clearance. 模具须用多大吊机才可搬动。 14. Conduct mold flow mold warp analysis. 经流道及变形电脑模拟分析。 15. Component and/or 3D mould design drawing. 散件图或3D模具图。 16. Cooling less important when dimensions are not important. 若尺寸不重要,适量冷却也可。 17. Combine a traditional 4 cavity edge gate and a 4 cavities reverse gate mould which help to double the moulding capacity and reduce production cost. 将一个标准四模腔大水口模具与一个四模腔倒转大水口模具结合成为一套可于同一大小的注塑机,生产量可增加一倍的层板模具,并且可降低成本。 18. Can be seperated into two individual moulds for moulding in two different mould shops. 此模具最大的特式是,可将模具分开变成两套,在不同地方生产,增加生产的灵活性。 19. Consists of all standard mould components which facilitates mould maintenance. 由于全套模具均利用模具标准零件制成,在维修及换零件上比较方便。 20. Die draw called out. 出模方向的标示 21. Dimension all the opening, travel clearance. 标出前、后模距离,滑动部件滑动距离和塑件脱离的位置。 22. DME egr. Water fittings recessed and marked? 是否使用DME运水接头及编号? 23. Delivery right side up, or in two halves? 开箱后是否容易吊出模具及是否分开前/后


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