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Unit 8 Payment and L/C 支付与信用证;Basic Knowledge Concerned;Part One;Part One;Part One;Part One;Part One;Part One;Part Two;Part Two;Part Two;Part Two;Part Two;Part Two;Part Two;Part Two;Part Two;Part Two;Part Two;Part Two;Part Two;Part Two;Key Words ; payment n.支付;付款 in payment of …支付(某笔费用,如bill, invoice, charge, commission) I’m sending you ten pounds in payment of your bill. in payment for … 支付(商品、样品、广告等) We’ve remitted the publishing house 160 yuan in payment for the dictionary they sent us last month. ;charge vt. vi. 1. 收费 We’ll charge you for the sample. You may charge us the extra expenses. 2. 记入……帐户 We’ve charged your account with the amount of money. Please charge all the expenses to out account. 3. 指控;指责 The manager charged him with negligence. That guy was charged with murder. n. 费用 Samples will be sent free of charge. There is no charge for catalogs and brochures. We could repack the goods but you have to pay the additional charges. “费用”一词是日常生活中极常用的词。注意比较英语中诸多表示费用的词: expense(费用;花费), fee(费用), cost(成本;费用), price(价格;代价), payment(支付), value(价值;金额), expenditure(开支;花费), toll(服务费;代价) ; decline v. 1. 谢绝;婉辞 (后面可接名词,不定式,动名词等 ) We very much regret we have to decline your offer. Since your bid is much lower than the market price, we can not but decline it. They decline to make any comment. Our buyers decline to raise (or raising) their limit. 2. 下降;下跌 Shares declined in a weak market. Many consumers complain that some products have declined in quality. (注): refuse 表示“拒绝”是普通用语; decline是较正式的客套语,语气较委婉; reject也可表示“拒绝”,在外经贸业务中常用来表示“拒收”,“驳回”,语气最强烈。 The buyer rejected all the excuses that the seller made for the delayed delivery。 We reject the goods because they are much more inferior to the sample.;Part Three;Part Three;Part Three;Part Three;Part Three;Part Four;Part Four;Part Four;Part Four;Part Four;Part Four;Part Four;Notes;Notes;Part Five;Part Five;Part Five;Part Five;Part Five;Part Five;


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