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2010 年 5 月 水运工程 May 2010 第 5 期 总第 441 期 Port Waterway Engineering No. 5 Serial No. 441 基于 Witness 集装箱码头物流系统仿真分析 吕 靖,宫晓婞,周丽丽 (大连海事大学交通运输管理学院,辽宁 大连 116026) 摘要:以集装箱码头物流系统为研究对象,以研究船舶靠泊调度原则和码头最大通过能力、泊位利用率、船舶待泊时间 之间的关系以及计算不同策略所对应的到港集装箱船舶待泊成本、泊位闲置成本等为目标,应用专业仿真软件 Witness 对集 装箱码头物流系统进行仿真建模,寻找集装箱码头物流系统的作业“瓶颈”,并进行优化。研究结果表明,应用 Witness 软 件完全可以实现集装箱码头物流系统的整体建模和仿真,其可视化效果可以反映系统的动态性,并且有很广阔的实用价值。 关键词:集装箱码头物流系统;WITNESS 仿真软件;FIFO 原则;优先原则 中图分类号: U 169.1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-4972(2010)05-0083-06 Analysis of simulation of container terminals logistics system based on Witness L譈 Jing, GONG Xiao-xing, ZHOU Li-li (Dalian Maritime University, Transportation Management College, 116026, China) Abstract: Taking the container terminals logistics system as the research object, we aim at investigating the relationship among ship berthing operation principle, terminals maximum capacity, berth occupancy rate and ship waiting time, and calculating the waiting cost in port, berth idle cost, etc. The professional simulation software Witness is applied for the container terminals logistics system to find out the bottleneck in container terminals and then offer the optimization scheme. The analyzing results showed by using software Witness, we can realize the modeling and simulation for container terminals logistics system, the visual effects of which can reflect the dynamic mode of the system. It is of great practical value. Key words: container terminals logistics system;Witness simulation software;FIFO rule;principle of precedence 国际贸易的 90%是通过海上运输实现的[1],随 集装箱码头是集装箱运输的载体,是一个整 着世界经济、贸易的不断发展,港口


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