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内 容 提 要 农产品是居民的日常生活必需品之一,它的价格变动对于人民的日常生活会产生直接影响,在各群体中又以尤其对低收入居民的影响较大,作为低收入群体的一员农民在农产品价格变化中受到的影响则更大。农民收入事关农业发展,是国家和地区经济发展的重要领域,因此分析农产品价格与农民收入之间的关系,借找出提高农民收入的方法尤为重要。本文主要通过对内蒙古鄂尔多斯市准格尔旗地区农产品价格变动与农民收入的实际情况进行研究分析,探究为什么在农产品价格不断上涨后当地的农民收入不能有效增加,并对如何有效地帮助农民增收提出部分建议。 关键词:农产品;价格上涨;农民收入 Abstract Agricultural products is one of the basic necessities of daily life of the residents, the price changes for peoples daily life will have a direct impact on the population, in particular impact on low-income residents is large, as a member of the influence of low income groups in farmers by the agricultural product price change in the greater. The income of the farmers is related to agricultural development, is an important area of economic development of countries and regions, so the analysis of the relationship between the prices of agricultural products and farmers income, is very important to find out ways to improve farmers income by. In this paper, based on the actual situation of Inner Mongolia City, Zhungeer Qi Erdos area changes in the price of agricultural products and farmers income analysis, explore why the local prices of agricultural products in the rising farmers income can not be increased effectively, and how to effectively help the farmers income and puts forward some suggestions. Key words: Agriculture products The price rise The income of the farmers 目 录 一、 HYPERLINK \l _Toc418506398 选题背景与意义 2  HYPERLINK \l _Toc418506399 二、农产品价格变动与农民收入变化的关系分析 2  HYPERLINK \l _Toc418506400 (一)农产品价格、产量和农民收入的关系 2  HYPERLINK \l _Toc418506401 (二)农产品价格、农产品单位生产成本和农民收入的关系 3 三、 HYPERLINK \l _Toc418506402 准格尔旗农民收入概述 3  HYPERLINK \l _Toc418506403 (一)准格尔旗经济发展概况 3  HYPERLINK \l _Toc418506404 (二)准格尔旗农民生产生活情况的调查 3  HYPERLINK \l _Toc418506405 四、农产品价格上涨后准格尔旗农民无法增收的原因分析 5  HYPERLINK \l _Toc418506406 (一)民收入结构中来自农业收入的比重下降 5  HYPERLINK \l _Toc418506407


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