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Basic Workplace Organization 车间基础管理 5S Methodology 5S 方法;How about your enterprise 什么样的企业;;Goal and Rationale 目的和原理;Learning Objectives 学习目标;What is 5S? 何为5S?;Benefits of 5S 5S的益处;Benefits for personality of 5S 5S对个人的益处;What are the 5S’s? 何为5S? ;SEPARATE 整理; Asking why enables the sorting process. 整理时要问为什么 For example, when in the work area, for each “thing” ask: 例如,在工作区,对每一样物品都要问: Why do we need it? 为什么需要这个? Why is it used the way it is? 为什么要这样使用它? If we need it, Why does it not have a home? 如确实需要,为什么没有它自己固定的位置? Why are there no visual controls to manage it? 为什么不能做到目视化管理? Why are there no posted standards or standard work to tell how to use it and assign responsibility for it? 为什么没有标准或标准化工作来告之如何使用它而且有人对它负责? A “thing”can be material or information. 所指物品包括物料或信息 ;SEPARATE 整理; CATEGORIZE ITEMS: 物品分类 RARELY USED 很少使用 OCCASIONALLY USED 偶尔使用 FREQUENTLY USED 经常使用;SEPARATE 整理;SEPARATE 整理;SEPARATE - RED TAGGING 整理-挂红牌;Sample Red Tags 红牌示例 ;;STRAIGHTEN 整顿;IDENTIFICATION LINES 明确生产线;After Applying 2nd S 整顿后 ;STRAIGHTEN 整顿;STRAIGHTEN 整顿;STANDARD COLOR CODE 颜色代码标准化;?;;;;Kaizen Instances 2S Example 整顿实例;;;;;SHINE 清扫;BUILDS PRIDE IN THE WORKPLACE 让车间充满自豪;;Kaizen Instances 清扫改善实例;STANDARDIZE 清洁;4S STANDARDIZE 清洁;Standardize –Maintaining, improving, and documenting the standards of the first three S’s. 清洁—持续改进,将前3个S标准文件化 While the first 3 S’s are activities, the 4th S is a process that facilitates the maintenance and improvement of the first three S’s. 4S就是利于前面3S持续改善的过程 Eliminate causes of dirt, leaks, and spills 消除污垢、泄漏、溢出的原因 Create systems to keep things neat and organized 建立系统来保持物品的整洁及条理性 The 4th S relies on written agreements, visual controls and standard routines established by the group. To improve, we move from detection to prevention. 4S需要组织形成书面规定、目视化控制和标准程序,我们要从发现问题提升到去预防问题的发生;5S Checklist Example 5S检查表;5S Evaluation Scoring Criteria – Sample


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