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从功能的角度研究文体,即每个次上的有文化价值的突出特征都要与产生本语篇的语境相关,都应是由上层所“促动的”,韩氏的理论是本文对英语新闻报道的文体特征分析的理论基础,英语新闻报道的词汇的文体特征是由其情景因素决定的,它的突出特征是受其语义特色促动的。 【摘要】 体育是人类社会文化生活不可缺少的组成部分,体育活动和体育比赛已成为日常生活中人们关心的主要话题之一。人们每天能听到、看到大量的体育新闻报道。体育新闻英语在语言学领域也开始受到了一定的关注,但有关研究却不多,且主要从篇章的文体、语类角度进行分析探讨,专门研究英语体育新闻报道词汇及其特征的研究很少。本文对英语体育新闻报道的特点进行了分析和探讨。本文以词汇学理论为依据,以北京2008奥运官方网站和纽约时报所发布的英语体育新闻报道作为语料研究对象。全文共分为五个部分:??一部分,简要介绍了研究目的、对象和论文结构。第二部分,分别回顾了特殊用途英语特征、新闻英语和体育新闻英语的相关研究及成果。第三部分,提出了语体这一概念,新闻英语属于一种英语语体,而英语体育新闻报道可以被看作一种次语体。而后阐述了词汇学中词汇的概念及英语词汇的构词、词义和词汇运用等理论。第四部分是本文的主体,分别从构词、词义和词汇运用三个方面分析研究了英语体育新闻报道的词汇特点。英语体育新闻报道词汇的构词灵活,常用合成词、加缀词、转类词和缩写词。词汇意义联想丰富,不乏近义词和多义词以及反义词,还有诸多形式的词汇搭配。词汇运用特征表...?更多还原 【Abstract】 Sports make up an indispensable part of our social and cultural life. There is abundant sports news reported by various medium, which makes up a large proportion of the language people hear and read everyday. Sports news English has become an independent sub-variety and its vocabulary as a key aspect in the light of linguistics bears its own characteristics. However, few lexical studies have been made on sports news English, though there are some from the levels of style, writing or discourse. The present thesis is an attempt to explore the lexical features of English sports news reports (ESNR) on the basis of lexicological theories.This thesis is made up of five chapters. The first chapter briefly introduces the purpose, object and layout of the study. The second chapter reviews the studies respectively on the lexical features of English for specific purpose, on news English and on sports news English. In the third chapter, the term’variety’is defined. News English is a variety of English and ESNR can be regarded as a sub-variety of news English. This section also presents an introduction to some basic lexicology theories.And in next chapter, the main body of this thesis, the lexical features of ESNR are explored and analyzed in detail in three aspects, namely, word formation, word meaning and the uses of vocabulary. ESNR voc


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