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 PAGE 10 SCF 4010 Ae0 PAGE 1 SCF 4010 Ae0 仓储与物流服务协议书 WAREHOUSING AND LOGISTICS SERVICES AGREEMENT 此协议由下面所列明的甲乙双方经协商一致后于 年 月 日签订。 This agreement is signed by the following parties on ______________after negotiation. 甲方:迅达(中国)电梯有限公司(上海市汶水路40号,200072); Party A: Schindler (China) Elevator Co., Ltd. (40 Wenshui Road, Shanghai 200072); 乙方: Party B: 前言 Foreword 甲方委托乙方按本协议约定的条件向甲方提供仓储与物流服务,同时乙方也愿意按同样条件接受甲方的委托。 Party A entrusts Party B to provide warehousing and logistics services to Party A according to the conditions agreed in this agreement, meanwhile Party B is willing to accept Party A’s commission at the same conditions. 条款: Conditions 注释 Notes 1.1 除了本协议上下文或主题中另有规定外,下列词句的含义如???: 1.1 Unless otherwise agreed in the theme or context of agreement, the following expressions mean as follows: 合同记录的含义见9.1条。 Please see Article 9.1 for the meaning of contract record. 仓储与物流费用是指在合同期间由合同双方以书面形式随时确定的费率和收费标准;在签订本协议时,则为附录B详细规定的费率和收费标准。 Warehousing and logistics expense means the rate and charging standard determined by both parties in writing at any time during contract; while signing the agreement, it means the rate and charging standard detailed in Appendix B. 仓储与物流服务是指附件1中描述的服务内容。 Warehousing and logistics services refer to the services described in Annex 1. 仓储与物流服务条款指由甲方和乙方通过书面形式随时确定的仓储与物流业务标准操作流程;在本协议签订时,则为附录A详述的仓储与物流业务标准操作流程。 Conditions of Warehousing and logistics services means the standard operating procedure of warehousing and logistics determined by Party A and Party B in writing at any time; while signing the agreement, it is the standard operating procedure of warehousing and logistics detailed in Appendix A. 2 委托 Commission 甲方按本协议约定委托乙方为其非独家仓储代理,为甲方及其书面指定的相关单位提供仓储与物流服务,乙方亦按同样条件接受甲方委托。 Under this agreement, Party A entrusts Party B as the non-exclusive agent of storage to provide warehousing and logistics services for Party A and the relevant units designated in writing, and Party B accepts the commission under the same c


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